Amazing Grace: Midyear Prayer & Fasting (English)Chikamu

Amazing Grace: Midyear Prayer & Fasting (English)

DAY 1 OF 5

Rich Grace

In the apostle Paul’s time, Ephesus was the wealthiest city of the Roman Empire. They were only the third largest city, but what contributed to the city’s great wealth was the worship of the goddess Artemis. The people of Ephesus were devoted to her. Selling the idol images and offerings that her worship required was among the most lucrative businesses of the time. The temple devoted to Artemis also served as one of their largest banks.

This was the kind of society the Christians in Ephesus lived in. They were surrounded by Artemis-worshipers in a bustling city of wealth and trade. It would have been too easy to be tempted by the riches around them, but Paul encouraged them to look not to the riches of the world, but to the true riches that can be found in God.

Paul used the word “riches” in his writing to describe how abundant and valuable the grace of God is. Unfortunately, we sometimes take this grace for granted. That’s why it is important for us to focus on and deeply grasp the words, ways, and works of God. Then we will find ourselves in a place that is rich and full of depth and truth. There are two priceless truths we can find in this text.

  1. An object’s value is determined by how much someone is willing to pay for it. God paid a high price to redeem us. He paid for our redemption through the most precious blood of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:7). That is how much God values and treasures us.
  2. God made this invaluable sacrifice not because we asked for it, but because of His great love for us. It is one thing to ask for a gift from a wealthy benefactor and receive it—that shows the person’s generosity. But when we think of our salvation, God did not send His Son because we kept asking Him to forgive us. He gave His Son for us entirely and absolutely out of His own initiative—while we were His enemies! (Romans 5:8–10)

The riches of God’s grace allows us to receive His love and forgiveness, which He lavished upon us.


1. Read and meditate on Ephesians 1:3–7. Which part strikes you the most and why? Write it on your journal and add your insights.

2. In what ways have you experienced the riches of God’s grace? How can you show your gratitude to God as a recipient of His grace?

3. How will you live differently in light of His lavish grace? List three people to whom you can extend the riches of God’s grace. Ask God for opportunities to show them how His grace has changed your life.


Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Jesus Christ so that we can have redemption and the forgiveness of our sins. I know that You chose us and have blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ. May Your grace, which You have lavished upon us, cause me to live according to Your purpose with all wisdom and insight. May You give me the courage and compassion to share this gift of grace to those around me, so that they may receive it as well. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Zuva 2

About this Plan

Amazing Grace: Midyear Prayer & Fasting (English)

In January, we set apart one week of prayer, fasting, and consecration to hear from God and know His direction for us for the year. We claimed God’s amazing grace to rule and reign in our lives throughout that week. Until now, our faith and stance stay the same—humbly asking God to let His amazing grace rule and be seen in our lives.
