Gone Fishin' FiveChikamu

Gone Fishin' Five

DAY 4 OF 4

Gone Fishin'

Jim, the 70 year old Muslim awaiting a scan for a spot on his lungs

As we sat next to each other in the waiting room at St Jude's, he kept holding a phone to his ear but never talked.

I had prayed that God would open doors as I walked here this morning so I decided I would open my mouth and find out if this was that moment.

I asked, "Are you waiting to do a procedure?" He explained he has liquid in and around his lungs and antibiotics have not helped, so they want to know what's wrong.

And he put his phone down.

We talked about our ages, where we live, and he told me he is an engineer that came here from Pakistan and has a wonderful home in La Habra. Retired, he’s enjoying the casinos, smoking, and drinking. Let’s just say, he’s a neat guy, but his language is...

He wanted to know why I was here and I told him I just came to encourage some folks. He said, "That is wonderful! God bless you!"

For some reason or another, he felt it necessary at that point to tell me that he is a Muslim, really loves religion, and has started reading the Bible and learning about Buddhism.

I said, "So what do you think about Jesus, Jim?" His response was, "I love him!" He told me he's not afraid to die and he tells his kids to not be afraid to die.

I asked, "What would you say if you died today, Jim, and stood before God and he asked you why He should let you in?"

He told me he had done his best and if he hadn't done enough good things, then he would just go to some other place. That would be fine with him, he said. It is clear he does not believe there is a hell in the afterlife.

Immediately, a woman called his name and told me I could go with him. He said, "No, that's okay, we're just good friends", having just met me.

I gave him Steps to Peace with God as I shook his hand. He looked at me with a big grin and said, "Thank you so much!"

"Lord, thank you for giving me the confidence like Peter and John so that I can start a conversation and help one more person move one step closer to you! Would you please give salvation to Jim?"

Adrian, 39, psoriasis all over his body

Funny, this is another Adrian sitting on the same park bench like the one I talked to before. He had just left from a doctor's appointment. It was a funny start because I didn't know if Lord wanted me to share the gospel with him.

So I walked a little slower behind him and leaned over to try to read his shirt back. He lurched forward and grabbed his backpack on the bench, thinking I was a robber, and I saw he had, "I'm not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation", on his back.

I told him I was just looking at his shirt to help me decide if I should share the gospel with him and we laughed and hugged because we're both believers in Jesus.

I told him my story with the other Adrian that was a college student and about the guy I just now talked to, to provide some encouragement to him.

He told me he was blessed and encouraged to share his faith more and let me pray for his healing.

As I look back at this one hour I shared with the two people, it makes me realize how many missed opportunities I've had in my life because I was so intent on doing my own thing.

Not that it isn't okay to do your own thing, it's just that intentionality is making a difference. As I desire to share Jesus with people, it is bringing me such terrific joy.

I am learning to love the people with whom God’s Spirit is prompting me to share His story. I never know what God might already be doing in their lives. The love of Jesus has stirred within me and overcome my fears and obstacles to sharing.

Praise the Lord! What an adventure! To God be the glory!

As it turns out, this excitement is now happening wherever I go. I have returned to my “New Christian” lifestyle. This verse is true, at least for me: “I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Therefore, remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first.” Revelation 2:4-5

​Please say a prayer for Jim. A spot on the lungs isn’t a fun thing to face.

Be Encouraged. Be Inspired.

Go. Open Your Mouth. Ask Questions. Love. Share your story.

Thank you for making time to see what God is doing in my life. God bless you as you desire to walk in wisdom and Trust The Lord!

Your brother in Christ, Drake

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Zuva 3

About this Plan

Gone Fishin' Five

Many people are smiling, but hurting inside. I have discovered that God is doing something in everyone's life, and He's doing something in mine too! I'm loving/praying for strangers like never before. And they are grateful. These personal stories in my life are to help you help others move one step closer to God.
