There's A Reason For Your Season - #Life SeriesChikamu

There's A Reason For Your Season - #Life Series

DAY 4 OF 4

Rest In The Stage

There is a time for everything. A time to build. A time to give birth. A time to plant. A time to uproot. A time to heal. Everything in God’s timing. 

In Jeremiah, God says to find the ancient paths at the crossroads, to ask where the good way is, and walk in it.  By doing so, we will find peace. When we come to Christ, in the stage or season we are in, we find rest. Rest in this stage. 

Through seasons, we dream, achieve, and rest. God wants us to trust and rest in Him. This is what it ultimately comes down to, resting in God. Resting in your salvation. God sent His Son to die on a cross for you, so you could receive Him. Trust in His grace through faith. Walk with Him in forgiveness and allow Him to wash you clean. You have to rest in the cross, tomb, and resurrection for that to happen in your life. If Jesus is your Savior, the Holy Spirit lives inside of you and He directs you at the crossroads regarding where to go. He lives in you. He is your Comforter and Counselor. Rest in that. 

Pitfalls and pain will occur, but great things will happen from the decisions you make through each stage. Look back and see all the great things God has already given you. See how He has been faithful in every season of your life. He has blessed you so much. 

When God told the people to stay on the right path to find rest, the people actually protested that they would not. They protested against God’s Word, and this was followed by disaster after disaster for their disobedience. 

I will tell you what I want for my life, in hopes that you will come along with me. I want to encounter every stage I am in, good or bad, with faith. In every blessing and trial, I want to tell the Lord, “I will follow You.” I want to walk with Him because I am certain that He has my best in mind and heart. I do not want to protest nor disobey. 

I encourage you to stay faithful and pray that God will bring fruit to your tree. Do not give up. God has not forgotten or forsaken you. Continue your walk with Him and thank Him for ancient paths. He has a reason for your season. 

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About this Plan

There's A Reason For Your Season - #Life Series

There is a reason for the season you are in. No matter the trials or blessings, trust the Lord and give Him your yes. Make it a point to rest in the Lord and encounter Him in whatever season you are in.
