Only JesusChikamu

Only Jesus

DAY 4 OF 9

' Only Jesus - The Miracle Worker 

Jesus was the son of God. In fact He was God incarnate as demonstrated by the miraculous way in which He healed, restored and resurrected people. He was not an ordinary rabbi that was for sure! 

John 21:25 says that “Jesus also did many other things. If every one of them were written down, I suppose the world wouldn’t have enough room for the books that would be written”

In today’s passages we highlight three such supernatural healing that Jesus performed. In Matthew 8 verses 1 to 4, Jesus meets a leper who rightly begins His conversation with Jesus by addressing him as “Lord”. It is vital that to experience the miraculous we must clearly acknowledge God as God. So often we attribute our healing to our common sense, a doctor’s intervention or even the medicines that we take. While all of these are definitely vehicles of God’s goodness and care towards us, it’s only because of the Lordship of Jesus, that we are recipients of healing. 

In Matthew 8 verses 5 to 13, Jesus is met by a Roman centurion whose servant is very sick. As Jesus responds saying He will come and heal the man, the centurion tells Him to just say the word for his servant to receive healing. The centurion rightly understood that Jesus had all authority to heal and that just a word from Him would be enough to remotely heal his servant. He had such faith in the authority of Jesus since he truly believed He was God incarnate. What a recipe for breakthrough: simple faith coupled with a total belief in the authority of Jesus. 

In Luke 5, there is the memorable account of the paralytic man whose friends brought him to Jesus for healing but didn’t find any way to bring him close to Jesus since the house was crowded. They then proceeded to open up the roof and lower their friend into the house so that he would have all of Jesus’ attention. This is such a powerful story of what the faith of a believing community can do. Verse 20 says, when Jesus saw the faith of the man’s friends, He healed the man. Miracles abound when the community of believers are rich in faith and when they are willing to pursue God relentlessly for a breakthrough.

Acknowledging that Jesus is Lord, that He has all authority and putting all our faith in Him makes for an atmosphere of the miraculous!

Prayer: Dear Lord, I'm grateful for your power and strength. I pray that I will experience you in new ways and that you will continue to do miracles in my life which others would see and give you glory for! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Zuva 3Zuva 5

About this Plan

Only Jesus

Choose to know Christ more in this season of confusion and choose faith over fear during uncertain times. We hope that as you read this plan you will step into the future confidentially irrespective of what each day brings.
