Is Healing the Will of God?Chikamu

Is Healing the Will of God?

DAY 2 OF 5

If every good gift and every perfect gift is from the Father, where is every bad gift and every imperfect gift from? Not from the Father. Your Father is only capable of giving good gifts and he is incapable of doing anything bad or imperfect. When He created creation he saw that everything was good. 

If everything is good, where did bad come from? The devil is the author of everything bad and evil. The Bible says that the devil comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy, but Jesus comes to do the exact opposite. He is your fix, your repair, your Father, your Best Friend. In and through Him you have life and life more abundantly. The Greek word for life is ‘zōḗ’ which is defined as ‘the state of one who is possessed of vitality or is animate.’ Don’t you want a piece of that kind of life?

Most of us pray, "Lord, heal me if it is your will" because, unfortunately, we have not been taught better. The leper in Luke 5:12 was just like many of us. He was taught that he was an outcast, unloved, judged, and cursed. Eventually, he believed what he had heard. But then, he also heard Jesus on the mountain, “If you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”...“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” (Luke 11:13; Matt 6:26) Hope sprang up in the leper's heart and so did confusion. For once, he was hearing that his life doesn't need to end. He was hearing that he can go back to his family. He was hearing he can hug his child again. He was hearing that he mattered.

Then, he did what many of us do. He asked Jesus, “If you are willing, Heal me!” He was battling the hope he found in the words of Jesus with the words of defeat he grew up believing from absolutely everywhere else. This battle ended when Jesus touched him and said, "YES!! I AM WILLING; BE CLEANSED!" Imagine the rush of assurance he had when he found that God loved him, and when he felt Jesus' touch--the first tangible touch he'd felt in years because no one would touch a leper. That was life-shaping.

The Bible is a beautiful book; a love letter from God. Yet, we neglect reading this beautiful love letter, which is why we miss out on so many beautiful treasures that God has in store for us.

We know that God is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore, which means that if God was willing to heal that leper 2,000 years ago, He is the same today and wants to heal you. He is the same and, from the beginning of time, God is the author of life. 

The devil separated us from this zōḗ life through sin; when sin entered, death entered. Because of sin, we see so many forms of death in today's world: aging, deterioration, rotting, withering, cancer, disability, and death. None of this is from God but from the devil who is the god of this world right now. But anyone who is in Christ is a new creation; the old is gone and BEHOLD! the new has come. (2 Corin 5?17) You have become a new species. You have become a bearer of Christ, a bearer of life. For sin shall have no dominion over you. If sin can’t, then neither can death, sickness, or deterioration have dominion over you. AMEN!!

Every good and every perfect gift is from the Father. Where is every bad and imperfect gift from? Not from the Father.

Zuva 1Zuva 3

About this Plan

Is Healing the Will of God?

In this plan Pastor Sarat Yellasiri unfolds Scripture to bring you clarity and assurance about Biblical promises for healing. There has been much confusion about sickness and healing. This Bible plan aims to bring sharpness and clarity to your heart so that you can walk in the fullness of the promise with no doubt whatsoever. Learn to stand boldly and confidently in the Word of God.
