Preparing Your Heart To LeadChikamu

Preparing Your Heart To Lead

DAY 19 OF 28

You have the power to love people well

Have you ever stopped to think about how much more work we would have without modern-day conveniences? 

Without email, we’d have to hand write all correspondence, put it in a stamped envelope, and walk it to the mailbox. Without indicator lights in our cars, we’d have to check fluid levels regularly to keep our cars running. Without a dishwasher, we’d have to wash and dry every single dish by hand. Forget about having a dinner party. Who wants to do all that work? 

In each instance, we still take responsibility for some of the work — typing the email, loading the dishes, taking the car to the mechanic — but a lot of the work to complete the task is done for us.

The same is true when it comes to loving others. Loving people well isn’t always easy. Sometimes, it is hard work. But we don’t have to carry the load on our own. Paul writes,  “That’s why I work and struggle so hard, depending on Christ’s mighty power that works within me” (Colossians 1:29). 

Jesus’ power in us gives us the strength to take that first bold step in telling our story or inviting a friend to church. When we’re exhausted and don’t think we can handle another conversation, we can draw on Jesus’ power in us to invest in relationships. It’s His power in us that keeps us praying for people, encouraging people, giving grace to people who are hard to love, and forgiveness to people when they mess up. 

While God works in our hearts to show us how to love His people, He also works in their hearts, opening their eyes to His great love for them. We’re not responsible for saving anyone, that’s God’s job. But He allows us to be a part of that process and empowers us love people well. 


  • Is there someone in your life that you can reach out to?
  • What kind of work is God asking you to do to love that person? Pray for God to give you strength for your role and to work in their hearts.

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About this Plan

Preparing Your Heart To Lead

What makes a good leader? God cares about character, not skill sets. When God was picking someone to lead His people, He had to remind them, ".. man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). Who you are is more important than what you do. In this study, you'll learn that leading your group well starts by preparing your heart.
