When Tragedy StrikesChikamu

When Tragedy Strikes

DAY 3 OF 5

Live Fearlessly

There’s a second response that’s also very important: We must be courageous to face any tragedy calmly—with determination and without fear. We’re not a fearful people. We don’t suddenly give up just because something frightens us. Now there may be some of you right now who’re deeply afraid or overwhelmed with fear. If you find yourself in a situation that currently leaves you battling a spirit of fear, let me share with you a verse that God has used over the years to help me face periods when rational and irrational fears threatened my confidence and contentment: 

I am the LORD your God, who upholds your right hand, who says to you, “Do not fear, I will help you” (Isa. 41:13). 

We have a right to be a godly people who’re fearless. We have a right to be bold and confident for the simple reason that God’s promised to intervene on our behalf. Does that mean that we’ll never suffer consequences? No, it doesn’t. Will we always be free from hardship and adversity? Of course not. Does it mean that tragedy will not touch our lives? Not at all. It means that when we, individually or collectively, stand sovereign under the protection of God, we can be assured that He will not fail us. No matter the disaster we face or the enemy at our gate, with our God, we will be triumphant. 

Do you recall my earlier comments about David? He refused to be ensnared by fear because he was confident that God was with him and would deliver him from the enemies that pursued him. In Psalm 46:1, David says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” This shepherd boy turned king learned how to experience the presence of almighty God in the midst of adversity and tragedy. No matter the circumstance, David’s bottom line was his confident assurance that God was present in his life.

David’s 57th Psalm has also been helpful to me through the years: 

Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me, for my soul takes refuge in You; and in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge until destruction passes by (v. 1).

Perhaps some of you think that because I’m a pastor, I’ve had a life devoid of hardship and tragedy. That couldn’t be further from the truth! On many occasions, in the midst of extremely difficult circumstances, I’ve found myself drawn to these verses as I sought comfort in and assurance from God. And here’s where I anchored to His promise: When our hearts are so empty and our pain so intense, when our hurts run so deep and our grief is overwhelming, we’re to come to the Father in the shadow of His wings and find a refuge “until destruction passes by.”

I’ve found it true in my life that any disastrous tragedy I faced or pain I felt eventually passed me by. Friend, no matter how deeply you hurt, how acute your pain, how hopeless you feel, when you come to your heavenly Father for help, compassion, and love, He will be there for you. He will strengthen you in your fear, and He will carry you through until you’re strong enough to stand on your own again. 

Zuva 2Zuva 4

About this Plan

When Tragedy Strikes

There’s no limit to who can experience tragedy. Sooner or later, everyone will be faced with the sadness and difficulties associated with sudden traumatic events that change life forever. Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he invites you to experience God’s compassion during times of crisis and helps you discover how to respond when tragedy strikes.
