Putting an 'X' Through AnxietyChikamu

Putting an 'X' Through Anxiety

DAY 4 OF 10

You’re Not Crazy

You will never win.

You are in this alone.

You are going crazy.

The Enemy wants you to believe these lies. He wants you to feel like you are the only person who is in this bubble of darkness. He wants you to believe there’s no way out…no end to this misery. He’s trying to convince you right now that you will never be normal again. That you are in fact crazy. 

A big breakthrough in my journey to freedom from anxiety was when I learned I was not alone. A friend told me about a pastor I very much respected who had shared a message about his battle with depression. At the time, I had never heard of anyone who was dealing with a situation like mine.  When I realized this other pastor had similar initial symptoms to mine (“crazy” physical symptoms), a layer of hope was deposited into my heart. Though things didn’t change instantly, I was comforted by knowing someone had survived to tell about it.

I didn’t have an instant turn-around. But I did come out of the night and into the light of day. My bout was incapacitating for months and afterwards my anxiety didn’t permanently go away. In fact, to be transparent, some days that lingering sense of anxiety still lurks over my left shoulder about sixty miles behind me. The difference now is I know what it is and I know it’s not going to take me out.

And I believe, by the power of Jesus’ name, it’s not going to take you out either. The Devil may be prowling around, seeking someone to devour. But Jesus is a roaring lion King, and He is with you in the valley called the shadow of death. 

Call out to Jesus even now. Call on His mighty name. Thank Him that He is with you. Tell Him you believe He can lead you to the light again.

If you would allow me, I’d like to speak that over your life today through this prayer: 

Father, I lift up my friend who is reading this right now, especially the one who feels like there is nowhere else to turn. I speak the powerful name of Jesus of Nazareth over their situation. Please shine truth into the cobwebs of despair and allow them to see You right there with them in the midst of the darkness. I thank You that You promise to lead them to the other side if they will put their trust in You. Jesus, You are greater than whatever is trying to take them out. Preserve. Protect. Awaken. Restore. For Your great glory, amen.


Zuva 3Zuva 5

About this Plan

Putting an 'X' Through Anxiety

Anxiety may be the fear over your shoulder, the worry by your side, or the dread hanging over your life. For many, it's a powerful giant that would like you to believe that your life will never be normal again. Over the course of seven days, we will set our gaze on someone bigger and more powerful - Jesus, our giant slayer.


Anxiety may be the fear over your shoulder, the worry by your side, or the dread hanging over your life. For many, it's a powerful giant that would like you to believe that your life will never be normal again. Over the course of seven days, we will set our gaze on someone bigger and more powerful - Jesus, our giant slayer.