Finding Peace During Troubled TimesChikamu

Finding Peace During Troubled Times

DAY 5 OF 7


The strain on our bodies during troubled times is evident to all. Take, for example, the self-quarantine of the coronavirus. The barrage of endless news, social distancing, isolation, and rising unemployment has taken its toll. Leaving us feeling weary in body, soul, and in spirit. 

Yet, Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” The context of that promise is wrapped up in the legalistic system of His day that layered rule after rule and law after law to gain favor with God. 

The words for “labor and heavy laden” speak to the burdens we place on ourselves as well as those burdens from others. Jesus’ audience felt overwhelmed in the pursuit of finding God’s favor and salvation. 

But what about when Jesus says in verse 29, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Well, a yoke was the wooden bar placed across the oxen for better plowing, but it also referred to a rabbi’s teaching. His yoke was his instruction. Jesus was declaring to weary souls in need of salvation that He and His teaching of grace would bring “rest” to their lives when they placed their faith in Him alone for salvation. 

On another level, Jesus’ yoke of grace brings rest to our body, soul, and spirit in times of stress and weariness. As followers of Jesus, we can choose daily to allow His word, promises, and presence to bring shalom into our minds and bodies.

Prayer: Father, thank you for sending Christ to bear my sin and give me new life in you. I lay down the burdens that I’ve collected and those given to me by the world around me. I choose to walk in your restful shalom today.

Action Steps: Choose “Scripture before screens” daily. Allow His Word to renew your thinking before the affairs of the day around the world can grip you with its burdens. 

Zuva 4Zuva 6

About this Plan

Finding Peace During Troubled Times

Are you feeling uncertain and restless in life right now? If so, this Bible reading plan will help you find the peace and comfort needed to get through troubled times.
