Ultimate FavorChikamu

Ultimate Favor

DAY 7 OF 7

What Does Your Heart Long for?

Today God has removed every limitation and barrier to reveal the fullness of his glory in Jesus. 

“We all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18, ESV). 

We don’t have to hide in a crevice as Moses did; God’s glory has been revealed fully in Jesus. We don’t have to wait for water to be poured from a rock; rivers of living water flow to us continually from his indwelling Spirit. Friend, God’s ultimate favor isn’t in a house or car or job. It’s in his presence, and he doesn’t withhold it from us. Christ’s saving sacrifice has lifted the veil completely so we can know his glory without hindrance. That is God’s supreme, ultimate favor! 

The Israelites could have experienced God’s glory just as Moses did. The Lord wanted to accompany them into the Promised Land, but their bitterness prevented it. It had happened before. When they were without water in the wilderness, they put God on trial. The original Hebrew language suggests a “hammer” or “gavel,” meaning they judged the Lord and convicted him. 

What a horrible act, especially for a people so blessed by God. At a time when they could have trusted him in faith, they complained, “At least in Egypt, we had food and water. We had safety and security. We had homes to live in.” Now that those things were taken away, the people were consumed with bitterness. Their idols had overcome them. 

Yet here was God’s mercy to them. Despite their sin, God told Moses to strike a rock with his staff, and water came flowing out. That rock represents Jesus, taking on the wrath of judgment for our sins. God offered them living water. “For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ” (1 Corinthians 10:4). 

Let me ask you a final question. What does your heart long for? Is your main dream a financial goal, a material desire? Or is it the hope of God’s glory, which transforms all of life? He has blessed you abundantly with his unlimited favor, but there’s more to know of our great God than earthly blessings. He wants you to know his glorious presence in every realm of life. 

I urge you to pray with me, “Lord, show me every idol that prevents me from your presence. Don’t let anything, even good things, blind me to you in any way. I won’t go anywhere or do anything if you’re not there!” Amen.

Zuva 6

About this Plan

Ultimate Favor

If illness strikes, finances crumble or your marriage falls apart, do you feel as though God has abandoned you? Does it seem as if others attract His blessing, but not you? Are you resigned to thinking that some sin, or even a curse, must be separating you from God's favor? In this 7-day reading plan, Gary Wilkerson paints a brighter, more biblical picture of what God's favor truly is.
