Moses – The Making of a LeaderChikamu

Moses – The Making of a Leader

DAY 9 OF 22

Day Nine: The Rod of Moses

Thoughts on the Passage

These are just two of the ten plagues that God sent upon Egypt – and He did them by the rod of Moses (this time it is in the hand of Aaron, Moses’ brother). We do not read about all 10 plagues being released by the rod, but it is likely that it was involved in most of them.

Why is this important? 

First, God told Moses to use the rod as a sign of his authority and power from God. So we see Moses walking in that level of obedience. He does not step outside of that authority.

Second, Moses uses it to show Pharaoh the power of God through it. Pharaoh is not impressed by the God of Moses and he continually hardens his heart. However, he learns quickly that the rod of Moses is special – very special. It does things that a normal staff cannot do, and it does things that none of his magicians can do.

Third, the people see the rod of Moses as a special demonstration of God’s blessing and authority upon Moses. There will be people who rise up against him later – they have no similar symbol of God’s approval. We will see that God moves away from the rod of God as a symbol of His authority to people (Moses and Joshua) speaking with the same power and authority. That is later though.

I need to take a moment and talk about Pharaoh hardening his heart. The word means to literally strengthen his heart. In other words, he is very stubborn and strong-willed. He does not want to obey God, and he is strong enough in his will to not do it. Later, as the plagues become more severe, we read that God hardens Pharaoh’s heart. That means the same thing – God strengthens Pharaoh’s heart. When the pressure become too great, Pharaoh would have given up, but God strengthens him so he could resist like he wanted to. God does not force Pharaoh to reject God’s command to let His people g; instead, God strengthens Pharaoh so he can continue to resist as he wants to. God does the same for us – He strengthens us when we need to do what is right, but we are too weak to do it by ourselves. We want to do what is right, but do not have the strength to do it – so He strengthens us.

Application to our Life

What is in our hand that God has asked us to do – and to use? It has greater power and authority than we realize.

When we need strength to do what God asks, let’s ask God to give us the strength to do it. He will strengthen our hearts when this world comes at us.

Time to Pray
Father, today I read how Moses and Aaron used the rod of God just the way You asked. I see that and I ask myself whether I am using the tools You have given me that way. Do I use them as if they are mine to use as I see fit, or do I use them as You require? I see in Moses a man who was careful to obey. I see in Moses a man who used Your authority and power exactly the way You asked him. I know in my heart how easy it is to abuse it – use it the way I think it should be used. Guard my heart I pray. I ask You to clearly warn me if I consider using Your authority for any other purpose. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Zuva 8Zuva 10

About this Plan

Moses – The Making of a Leader

We all have excuses as to why we cannot move when God tells us to. “I’m not qualified” or “I’m still getting training in that area”. We think that our limitations are God’s limitations and we stop moving. In Plan 4 of Learning from the Old Testament Greats, we see Moses’ journey from fearful to faithful. We learn from his life how one “grows as they go”.
