Considering Missions?Chikamu

Considering Missions?

DAY 6 OF 6

The Sufferings Will not Compare to Coming Glory

One of the first missionaries to Africa, David Livingstone, led a life so out of touch with his home country that a newspaper sent a large team into the heart of the jungle to find him. He had spent many years apart from his family, was sick for most of the last four years of his life, and then died from malaria and internal bleeding. And yet, when asked about the sacrifices he made to be a missionary, Livingstone is quoted as replying, “I have never made a sacrifice.” How could that be? Why would he even say that?

Livingstone understood first of all that everything belongs to God. We like to think of our family, our career, our bodies, and our possessions. But every good thing that we have is a gift from God. Further, I believe that Livingstone understood a more remarkable truth, the greatest good is yet to come.

For the Christian, the Bible tells us to expect trials, temptations, suffering, and loss. But we are also told that all of these things are not even worthy of being compared to the glory that we will one day see when we are with Christ. This is a truth that can only be accepted in faith.*

When a missionary walks away from everything they have ever known to journey to a foreign land, they cannot do so believing that this life is all there is. Take some time to ask yourself, “Do I really believe that the best is yet to come?” “Is there anything in this life that is really worth clinging to?” 

Praise the Lord for…

· all the good things that you have and have experienced in this life. Each one of these is a gift. 

· the plans that he has for you as his child. He is preparing a new heaven and a new earth filled with nothing but peace, joy, and love for us! Praise him for what we do not see, but we eagerly expect.

Pray that…

· you would not be distracted by the comfort that this world offers.  Pray for a desperation for the true comfort and joy that are yet to come.

· God would give you the strength to welcome suffering in this life, and the faith to believe that it cannot compare to the glory that is to come. 

Zuva 5

About this Plan

Considering Missions?

When thinking about missions, questions that flood our minds include: “Do I have what it takes?” “Am I qualified?” “Am I called?”. While thinking ahead is good, it is important to meditate on the Word of God day and night, as we ask these questions. This devotional is a 6-day exploration for those asking the question, “Should I go into cross-cultural missions?”.
