

DAY 4 OF 7

How to Help Others Regardless of How Much Money You Have

I had just met Aisha. Her smile filled her one-room, ten-by-ten home with pride as she told us about herself. This was my first time in Tanzania, and I chimed in and asked her a question.

“So, what do you do for a living?”

“I break rocks. I make a dollar a day. It’s hard work, but it provides.”

It was a question I’d asked a hundred times. But her answer hit me hard. I realized that she and I were not as different as I had initially thought. Our struggles, fears, and hopes had much in common. She didn’t need charity, but humanity. And I realized that was something I could give.

There is a poverty that runs deeper than money—and connects us all. We’re all in need of Jesus. And when we realize this, God empowers us to change people’s lives while they change ours. Which means it doesn’t matter how much money we have or whether we own the latest and greatest stuff. All that matters is our ability to show others God’s love.

But, practically, what does this look like?

Do these three things:

1. Check your assumptions. We’re all broken. We’re all poor. There is no “us” vs. “them” when it comes to our need for Jesus. The size of your paycheck and the size of your house count for nothing. When you see that you have this in common with everyone, you’ll get to know people as people, not charity cases.

2. See what you have. What do you bring to the table? Do you have time? Use it to serve someone. Are you a good listener? Walk across the street and get to know your neighbor. Do you have financial resources? Be generous, and fund partnerships that change lives through the local church. Do you have friends? Make connections.

3. Take a step. Tell someone you trust about what you want to do to serve and ask them to encourage you and hold you accountable. The first step is the hardest. Don’t let it stop you from experiencing what God has for you!


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About this Plan


Stuff. So often our lives seem to be defined by what we own. How do we find balance with our belongings? Learn from others’ experiences and how they’ve seen God at work in this Bible Plan by
