US AGAINST THE WORLD: Biblical LoveChikamu


DAY 3 OF 6

Key Verse: “ does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” 1 Corinthians 13:4b


From Tamela: Love does not envy. To me that means that I should never look at something David has and wish that I had it. Why? Because the two of us are one. If he can manage the money better, I won’t envy that—I will celebrate that. If he can articulate his words better than me, I see it like this: every time people compliment him, they are complimenting me, because we are one.

From David: Love does not boast. I don’t know if you’ve ever met a man who does this, but I know many people who brag about every little thing they do for their spouse. I bought her those shoes. I cleaned the house for her. But when you love your spouse, I believe you never need to brag about what you do or how you love, because when I love Tam correctly, she will boast for me, without me. Tam doesn’t throw it in my face if she does something for me. And husbands who love like Jesus don’t need a lot of accolades every time they do something nice for their spouse. When you’re in love, you do what you do because your heart wants to do it. Love does not boast.

From Tamela: Love is not proud. You’d be surprised how many marriages are suffering because one spouse is too prideful to ask the other spouse for help. I ask David for help all the time. When we are recording in the studio, I turn to him and ask him if I did a good job. I think it’s so important to remember that two married people are both a part of a team. God uniquely designed me to accompany David in life’s journey because God knew David would need some assistance. But the same is true for me. David helps me to be better, and when he helps me, it’s a sign of his love toward me. I don’t see pride when David walks in the room. I see a partner. I see a cheerleader. I can be naked and unashamed with him because, flaws and all, I know he loves me. I’ve also found that the older we get, the easier it is to let go of pride. After a while you just start telling the truth. That’s what love does.

Zuva 2Zuva 4

About this Plan


Can we just be honest a minute? Marriage is hard work. Two philosophies on money, parenting, love, and communication are blending. This is no easy feat. But, it’s amazing what’s possible when two people are willing to do the work. Joy-filled marriages don’t happen because we wish for them. They happen when friendship is the foundation, faith is the bedrock, and when fun is an absolute non-negotiable.
