Who Has Your Heart?Chikamu

Who Has Your Heart?

DAY 1 OF 3

Focus On Him.

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3 KJV

According to 1 Thessalonians 5:23 KJV, we are composed of three parts: spirit, soul and body. “... and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Throughout the Bible, the word “heart” is another word for your spirit, or the inner core of who you are. Your spirit is the real you, it is who you really are. 

In fact, your heart or your spirit, is so important to God that the Bible states in Proverbs 4:23 KJV, that we are to ‘keep’ our hearts with all diligence. The Amplified Version of Proverbs 4:23 AMPC expands upon the word ‘keep’ and states that we are to “keep” and to “guard” our hearts “above all else”. 

According to Strong’s Concordance, the Hebrew word for ‘keep’ is ‘natsar’ (H5341) which means: “to guard, watch, or to watch over”. We are to diligently guard and to watch over our hearts by consistently reading, digesting and applying the Word of God daily in our lives and throughout every season of our lives. When we spend time with God, His Presence will penetrate and consume our hearts and wash us from the inside out — if we let Him.

When we focus on applying His Word, to our lives, His Word will expose every hidden trap and scheme of the enemy. The enemy’s intent is to steal, to kill, and to destroy your daily time and relationship with God through distraction. When you are distracted, you’re unable to deliberately focus on digesting and applying God’s Word in every area of your life. 

Distractions are designed to keep you bound. Distractions are designed to keep you busy. Distractions will keep you stagnant. Distractions are meant to keep you going in cycles. The enemy wants to keep you distracted so that you’ll remain stagnant, busy, wandering and disconnect from God. When you’re disconnected from God, or partially plugged in to His Word, you’re unable to properly heal and move forward in the purpose that He has designed for your life. 

Distraction is one of Satan’s most powerful and subtle tools. The enemy uses distraction as a means to lure you away from purpose and to keep your heart away from building a relationship with God. If you’re focused on everything else but connecting with God, your relationship with Him begins to wither. His Presence and His Word was designed to heal you, cover you, restore you, multiply you and to protect you in every area of your life. 

When you diligently focus on and apply God’s Word, to every area of your life, family, faith and marriage, God will illuminate your path and destroy every trap that was set by the enemy to steer you off course. God’s Word will redirect you and set you on the right path — His Path. There is no weapon that the enemy can form that will prosper — not even distraction. “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.” Isaiah 54:17 KJV

Zuva 2

About this Plan

Who Has Your Heart?

Vance K. Jackson leads through this heart transforming devotional where readers uncover the importance of guarding and keeping their hearts with The Word of God. Your heart is important to God. When we spend time with Him, and focus on His Word, He will lead, guide and shape our Hearts to reflect His Heart. Focus on God. Focus on Him and let God wash you from the inside out.
