Ready Or Knot? By Scott KedershaChikamu

Ready Or Knot? By Scott Kedersha

DAY 4 OF 7

Day Four: Will We Clip Coupons or Max Out Credit Cards?—A Biblical View of Money and Financial Stewardship 

Scripture: Matthew 6:19–21, 1 Timothy 6:6-10


I’m a spender. My wife, Kristen, on the other hand, came into marriage with no debt. Kristen had her stuff together. I just had a lot of stuff. After years of working with thousands of couples, I know we are not alone. Getting this area of your relationship right is imperative, or it might lead to a boatload of destruction in your relationship. If you do get it right, financial health can be a great source of joy and blessing to your family and others. 

Whether you and your significant other have a lot of money, a lot of debt, or something in between, your view of money will be one of the most important parts of your relationship. Every couple I know faces challenges with regard to financial decisions. And perhaps no other aspect of your marriage will lead to tougher times and harder conversations than money. 

Before you sit down and discuss your financial future, decide you will respond to one other with grace and mercy—habits and choices about money are keenly felt. Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:4–5, “Because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.” When we receive each other in this manner, we are honoring Christ with how we treat one other.

In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shared some challenging truths about money and how we spend it. He gives us two choices with our money: either we invest in the stuff of this earth, or we invest in things of eternal value. Until both you and your significant other develop a mindset focused on eternal things, you will always struggle with how to best manage the resources and possessions you have as a couple. 

When couples fail to discuss finances or align financial expectations, they often face marital strife and discord. When you take the time to reconcile your beliefs and expectations, money can become a source of great joy and generosity. What debt do I have? Where does my money go? What is my family’s history with money? Do I view myself as an owner or a steward? These questions and others are essential to engage with your significant other on this side of the engagement. 

Would you consider yourself generous with money? Would your friends and family come to the same conclusion?

Zuva 3Zuva 5

About this Plan

Ready Or Knot? By Scott Kedersha

If you are seriously dating or recently engaged, our time this week will prepare you for one of the biggest decisions in your life: is the person I’m dating the one I should marry? This devotional will reflect a biblical, practical, and authentic approach to asking the important questions surrounding marriage. Together, we’ll look at essential conversations to have with your significant other before you say, “I do.”
