Today MattersChikamu

Today Matters

DAY 1 OF 7

Today Matters

Everyone wants to have a good day, but not many people know what a good day looks like—much less how to create one. An even fewer people understand how the way you live today impacts your tomorrow.

People create success in their lives by focusing on today. It may sound trite, but today is the only time you have. It’s too late for yesterday, and you can’t depend on tomorrow. That’s why today matters—we need to focus on today, each day.

Most people misunderstand success. They view it as something beyond their immediate control—a lucky break that might come along, or the right person at the right time. The truth is, God gives us the tools we need to create success daily; all of us can have successful lives by focusing on the habits, decisions, and choices of today.

Paul talks about this in 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, when he discusses the sower and the seed. People who sow sparingly reap a small harvest, while people who sow generously reap a significant harvest. While Paul is speaking of a monetary gift to Judean believers, the principle transfers to all areas of our giftedness.

We should be generous with what God gives us, including the minutes we have each day.

If we mismanage our time and priorities, if we waste productive minutes God has given, we will see a small return. But if we invest our time wisely, if we use our day to its fullest, we will see a large return over time. Our future harvest of blessings and opportunities depends on what we choose to plant today.

Be a good steward with the minutes God has given you. Wisely sow seeds with your time so you can produce a generous harvest. Make today matter for Him.

Zuva 2

About this Plan

Today Matters

Join Dr. John C. Maxwell for a 7-day reading plan that will help you discover how focusing on today creates a better life for you tomorrow. John will teach you how to be a good steward of your most precious resource--your time.
