#BETHEGIFT Someone Needs TodayChikamu

#BETHEGIFT Someone Needs Today

DAY 7 OF 7

One Order of Encouragement, Please

My eyes surveyed the surrounding area instead of browsing the menu. I noticed a young waitress being chewed out by a table of disgruntled patrons. A short time later, the same waitress appeared at our table. She was trying to put on a happy face, but I could tell she had been crying moments before. She looked discouraged and defeated, and it didn’t take much to realize she needed some encouragement. She had a smile on her face, but her eyes registered hurt. I glanced past her to the table of disgruntled patrons and asked, “Tough day?” She just shrugged and smiled and asked for our order.

In the time she was gone getting our water, the other table hastily packed up and left. The immediate thought came to me that they had just stiffed the waitress. I was shocked. No, they couldn’t have, there’s no way. This is an established restaurant chain. Surely someone wouldn’t just walk away without paying their bill.

My daughter leaned across the table and whispered, “Mom, she needs encouragement. We have to cheer her up!” I knew she was right, but what? How? What could we do or say that would bless and encourage this young woman?

I knew I couldn’t pay their tab, considering the number of people and extra food they carried out. I began to silently pray and ask the Lord what He would have me do to help turn around this young waitress’s day. Immediately I was reminded of Peter and John in the book of Acts when they were heading to the temple.

I continued to pray, “Lord, I don’t have silver or gold to pay for their meal, and she doesn’t seem to have physical ailments requiring healing, but I do have something. I am a carrier of Your love and kindness. I have You, Jesus, and Your Spirit living in me. What would You like me to say or do?”

We may not know what to do or say in situations, but God does! Yes, God knows exactly what we need before we need it, and He knows what others need too. Jesus modeled for us what it meant to be in relationship with the Father and know what to do or say to minister to those around us. Jesus said, “I only do and say what My Father does and says.” 

As I prayed, I felt like God gave me words of prophetic encouragement to speak over our waitress. Words I couldn’t have come up with on my own, but words God knew she needed. He knew she needed comfort and an extra dose of courage to face the rest of her day. She went away blessed, knowing that God was real and that He knew exactly who she was and what she was going through.

Zuva 6

About this Plan

#BETHEGIFT Someone Needs Today

We all need encouragement, and Scripture shows us how Jesus modeled this gift everywhere He went. This makes the gift of prophetic encouragement a necessary gift for today. First Corinthians 14 tells us it’s to encourage, comfort, and strengthen those who receive it—and it’s for everyone! It’s a gift that can change the world and atmosphere around us, one encouraging word at a time.
