Thoughts For Young MenChikamu

Thoughts For Young Men

DAY 5 OF 5

Young men of the present day, you are wanted for God. This is an age of activity. We are shaking off some of our past selfishness. Men no longer sleep the sleep of apathy and indifference about others, as their forefathers did. They are beginning to be ashamed of thinking, like Cain, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” A wide field of usefulness is open before you, if you are only willing to enter upon it. The harvest is great, and the laborers are few. Be zealous for good works. Come, come and be used by the Lord against the evil of this age.

This is, in some sort, to be like God—not only good, but doing good (Ps. 119:68). This is the way to follow the steps of your Lord and Savior, “Who went about doing good” (Acts 10:38). This is to live as David did; he “served his own generation” (Acts 13:36).

And who can doubt that this is the path that makes an immortal soul beautiful? Wouldn’t you rather leave this world like Josiah, grieved by all, than depart like Jehoram, “to no one’s regret”? (2 Chron. 21:20). Is it better to be idle and frivolous, to live for your body, your selfishness, your lusts, and your pride, or to spend and be spent in the glorious cause of usefulness to your fellow men—to be a blessing to your country and the world, to be the friend of the prisoner and the captive, to be a burning and a shining light, an epistle of Christ, known and read of all men, the inspiration of every Christian heart that comes across your path? Oh, who can doubt? Who can for one moment doubt?

Young men, consider your responsibilities. Think of the privilege and luxury of doing good. Resolve this day to be useful. Give your hearts at once to Christ.

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Thoughts For Young Men

Today's young men are being called by God to do great things, but they must first fight the temptations of modern culture. These highlights from J.C. Ryle's classic book Thoughts for Young Men offer practical and timeless wisdom that will help readers stay focused on the voice of God.
