Your Story For God's GloryChikamu

Your Story For God's Glory

DAY 5 OF 5

You Have a Story to Share! 

Today, I want to encourage you to continue to write because there are people out there who need what you have to share and will be blessed by it. It is so rewarding for authors to hear from readers how their writing is making an impact.

Getting encouragement from your talk, blog post, or book is something that never gets old. Being used as an instrument in the hands of God is a blessing beyond words.

Consider the impact of one person being impacted by your message for eternity. If one person’s life is saved, if one person’s life is changed, it’s worth it. It is worth it!

Be Brave

One message that really encouraged me is when this girl told me, “I also want to thank you for being brave and talking about this in public.

I’ve received other emails that say, “Thank you for sharing your story.” 

Where do you need to be brave today? Be brave and do it. Someone out there needs it.

Never Give Up

Never, never, never give up on what God has called you to do. Don’t give up, keep pushing forward.

Whatever it is, whatever obstacle it is you’re facing, whether it’s finances, technology, writer’s block, or depression, whatever it is, keep going! Keep taking that next step! I cannot emphasize it enough.

God is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever think or imagine. It’s from Ephesians, “He’s able to do immeasurably more”.

  • Are you thinking too small?
  • Are you putting yourself in a box?
  • Are you allowing the lies of the enemy to keep you back?
  • Are you thinking “Who’s going to read or listen to this? 

Turn your feelings of inadequacy over to the Lord and let Him work.

Keep Praying

Prayer is the proof that we’re relying on God. Stay connected to the Lord daily and get that prayer team started if you haven’t already. 


What encourages you to keep going? What encourages you to share your story in that blog post, book, or talk?

Specifically, if you’ve ever had a desire to share your powerful story in the form of a book, I want to encourage you to join my free seven day writing challenge over at I’ll give you over seventy different writing affirmations to help overcome that Stinkin’ Thinkin.’

Are you ready to share YOUR story for God’s glory? Let’s go!


Lord, thank you for giving me a story to share. Give me the courage to take the necessary steps to write my story and share it with those who need it most. I want to be an instrument in Your hands that can impact others for eternity. I love you. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Zuva 4

About this Plan

Your Story For God's Glory

We all have a story to share. YOUR story could help change another person’s life. YOUR unique story could encourage others in powerful ways. Whether it’s in a book or a blog post, YOUR story truly matters. Someone is yearning to hear it. Are you willing to share it? In this 5-day plan, you’ll read scripture and be encouraged in practical ways to share YOUR story for God’s glory!
