Grace–Simple. Profound. - Security & Assurance Chikamu

Grace–Simple. Profound. - Security & Assurance

DAY 2 OF 3

Security through the Power Of God

One of the first gifts of grace mentioned in the book of Romans speaks directly to one of our fears. It speaks to these questions: Once justified by God can you lose that justification? Can God change His mind? Can you lose or gain it back? There are lots of Christians who mean well but see the answer in the Bible in a different way. However, Paul's answer is no. Once God justifies and declares you to be righteous you cannot lose it. This answer is given in several books of the Bible, including Ephesians, Romans, and 1st Peter. When a person chooses Christ, God does something in them that proves they're justified once and for all. That proof is the fullness of the Holy Spirit. 

When He gives you the fullness of the Holy Spirit at that moment, you get the fullness of God in you. You're the temple of the Holy Spirit. You're not just a part of Him, but the fullness of Him. Scriptures say that the fullness of the Holy Spirit is a down payment of the redemption that God is yet to do. Now, if God has given you the Holy Spirit, how sure are you that He's going to come and fully redeem you? 

Our God is a promise-making, promise-keeping kind of God. His character is promise-making, promise-keeping. He is true. He doesn't break promises. So, what does that say about your security in Him? Because you have been justified by faith, as a gift of God's grace you are secure in that salvation. It is because of the power of God.

Scripture says you are sealed in the Holy Spirit. Jesus talks about being born again in order to enter His kingdom. If we had a sin problem and sin just made us bad, then all we'd need to do is overcome sin and get better. But sin doesn't make us bad-it makes us dead. You need to be brought back to life. Now tell me, if you're born again, how can that action be undone? It can't be. It's a Biblical picture of security. My favorite word picture is probably the idea of being transferred. Jesus says, "When you believe in me and the one who sent me, you cross over from death into life." You transfer into life and there is no biblical reference of transferring back. 

By your faith in Jesus, you are secure because of the power of God, not because of your perseverance in a certain standard of holiness. God does not want you to lose your security. Jesus says you are in the palm of His Father's hand and nothing can take you out. You are secure. That's the first gift of grace. 

Zuva 1Zuva 3

About this Plan

Grace–Simple. Profound. - Security & Assurance

In this plan we will read through the book of Romans, chapter 5. Paul says that once we are justified by faith and declared righteous, we are secured by God’s power, and assured because of His promise. God does not want His children to live in fear, doubt, or insecurity. He has given us peace and grace to stand on. This is His gift of grace to us. 
