30/30 Challenge Reading PlanChikamu

30/30 Challenge Reading Plan

DAY 30 OF 30

Congratulations on arriving at the finish line of the 3030 Challenge! Look back over the last 30 days and think about all God has done and all He’s doing through the time you’ve spent with Him, studying His Word. Then consider how you’re going to move forward tomorrow. This 30-day journey has just been the beginning of all God has in store for you. The best is yet to come!

The truth is, we can never reach the end of God. According to Job 37:5, He “does great things which we cannot comprehend” (AMP). There will always be more for us to discover about God and His plans for our lives. So we must keep pressing in to His Word and our faith in Him and pressing on in our relationship with Him. In other words, keep going!

Philippians 3:13-14 tells us to forget what lies behind and strain forward “to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward” (AMP).

People who press in and press on are people who do great things for God. And every single one of us can live like this by God’s grace if we choose to because God never asks us to do anything without giving us the ability to do it.

So today, be encouraged to press on. Remember, you already have the victory because God is on your side!

Walk It Out

Are you ready to discover more of what God has for you? As you keep diligently seeking God through His Word, your desire to know Him more will continually increase. Study Philippians 3 to gain deeper insight about what it means to have a “determined purpose” to know Him more. And if you haven’t done it already, visit joycemeyer.org/biblestudy to check out more resources you can use to go deeper in your study of God’s Word.

You can be as close to God as you want to be. He’s ready and waiting for you each day, to spend time with you and fill your life with His love, grace and every good gift He has in store just for you!

Zuva 29

About this Plan

30/30 Challenge Reading Plan

Are you studying the Bible or just casually reading it? God doesn’t want us to just skim His Word—He wants us to meditate on it and to allow it to change us from the inside out. That’s why Joyce Meyer issued the challenge to study God’s Word for 30 minutes a day for 30 days. This 30-day reading plan consists of encouragement from Joyce that will help you develop the habit of daily scripture reading. We’re confident this study will help you engage with the Bible and discover the impact it can make on your life. Give God 30 days and see what happens!
