18 Days in the New Testament with Chuck SwindollChikamu

18 Days in the New Testament with Chuck Swindoll

DAY 7 OF 18

 The Way, the Truth, the Life

THE UPPER ROOM DISCOURSE, found in John 13 through 16, is filled with glorious sayings that Jesus spoke to His disciples during His final hours with them. These are His “last words.” These are the things He wanted them to know and remember. In the discourse we find these wonderful words: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

In the first of these statements, “I am the way,” Jesus was saying, “I am the road. I am the path that leads away from all your sinfulness and leads to the Father and the glories of heaven.” The Jewish philosopher Philo called philosophy “the royal way.” Confucius called his teaching the Tao, also meaning “the Way.” But Jesus said, “I am the way.” Not His teaching, but He Himself is the Way. The Way is a Person.

His followers would later come to be known as people of “the Way.” In the book of Acts, there are two references to this title, which people had picked up from Jesus’ words. Before his conversion, Saul was going after Christians, so he “requested letters addressed to the synagogues in Damascus, asking for their cooperation in the arrest of any followers of the Way he found there. He wanted to bring them—both men and women—back to Jerusalem in chains” (Acts 9:2). Later, as Paul was ministering in Ephesus, his teaching started a riot, and “serious trouble developed in Ephesus concerning the Way” (Acts 19:23).

Imagine that you have a friend who has never been to the place where you live. Your friend wants to come visit you and see the sights. You have three options in helping him: You can tell him over the phone how to find his way around the city, you can send him a map, or you can say, “Let me show you around!” If you show him around, you become “the way.” You don’t tell him how to get around. You don’t just give him a path to follow. You say, “Stick with me. As long as you’re with me, I’ll show you the way.”

Jesus didn’t hand out maps. Jesus didn’t simply talk about the journey. He said to His followers, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me” (John 14:1). What Jesus promised in the first century is still true today. Jesus doesn’t say, “I am one way among many.” He says, “I am the way. If you want to know how to get there, you have to know Me.”

Jesus then said to His disciples, “I am the truth.” Truth is a person. Jesus is saying, “Just as I am the path to God, I am also the truth. I am the end of the search.” Jesus Himself is the full expression of the truth about life, the universe, and God.

Finally, Jesus added, “I am the life.” Jesus came to give life abundant and life eternal. Every other path leads to death. Only Jesus gives eternal life.

The assurance that Jesus is who He says He is does three things for my troubled heart when I read or speak His name. First, because He is the Way, His name relieves my fear of getting lost. Second, because He is the Truth, His name removes my need to continue searching. Third, because He is the Life, His name reinforces my hope for a home in heaven.

Zuva 6Zuva 8

About this Plan

18 Days in the New Testament with Chuck Swindoll

Spend 18 days studying passages in the New Testament with America's Pastor, Chuck Swindoll. As you read his thoughts, imagine him sitting next to you sharing personal insights and spiritual truths. Taken from the Swindoll Study Bible, this reading plan will help you walk closer with Jesus and gain a deeper understanding of how to apply God's Word to your life.
