Understanding Financial StewardshipChikamu

Understanding Financial Stewardship

DAY 7 OF 10

The Obligation to Pay Debts

You may be tempted to walk away from indebtedness, but walking away from a debt is not scriptural. Psalm 37:21 states very clearly: “The wicked borrows and does not pay back, but the righteous is gracious and gives.” 

We have an obligation to pay our debts, and God will help us pay them if we’ll turn to Him and trust Him for wisdom. When we come to Him in this way, His Word promises He’ll come to our aid and show us the best way to get out of financial bondage. God does not promise, however, a miracle to absolve us of debt that’s accrued because of our sin or foolishness. He will help us get out of debt in these instances, but He does not miraculously restore our loss.

The truth is, unless you change the habits and attitudes that got you into debt in the first place, you’ll more than likely cycle in and out of debt for the rest of your life. So make the decision to be resolved to pay your debts. Don’t seek to escape them. Don’t ignore them. Set a goal date for the payment of each bill. Work steadily, consistently, and patiently toward full payment of what you owe.

Thank God for His help as you pay off each bill. Make the payment of your debts an opportunity for praise. Don’t complain about the bills that remain or criticize yourself or others for your indebtedness. Review your financial expenditures weekly. Take a long look at how you became a victim of debt, and make the necessary changes in your credit card, borrowing, and spending habits.

Once you’re free from debt, praise God for helping you to be free from financial bondage. Ask for His continual help so that you might live debt-free for the rest of your life. Trust Him to guide and help you as you move forward in and through your journey to financial peace. 

“Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor. Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law” (Rom. 13:7-8).

Zuva 6Zuva 8

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Understanding Financial Stewardship

What does a prosperous life look like for a Christian? Some teach that God wants His people to be wealthy, while others believe the truly spiritual person should avoid the pursuit of riches. But what does the Bible say? What’s God’s definition of being prosperous? Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he examines the principles of financial stewardship and helps you gain insight into sound biblical principles for managing your money.
