
Error Free
Rex Stump
“They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, ’All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!’” John 8:7
It’s the first inning and the pitcher is throwing strikes, an occasional ball, and when the hitter connects it’s your routine ground ball play. It’s routine, unless errors are involved. I was watching a MLB game and instead of three outs, the opposing team had three runs due to errors.
How do you respond? Yell or blame the blown lead on my teammates? Pick up baseballs and throw them at the guy who made the errors?
Isn’t that what happened when the religious leaders caught the woman committing adultery? They picked up stones and were ready to be the jury and the judge for the errors she committed. Trying to trap Jesus, these religious leaders wanted to know how they should respond to her errors. But Jesus’ words caused them to drop the stones! Why? Because none of us are without sin or error (Romans 3:23).
But what if my teammates mess up and their sins affect me? This is a tough one, but we forgive them. Ephesians 4:32 says, “…be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” Forgive each other! Drop the stones.
If God is going to forgive me, a wretched sinner full of mistakes, then I need to forgive my teammates too. Let’s learn to seek forgiveness as well as learn to forgive each other.
1. When has a teammate let you down? How did you respond?
2. Have you ever let a teammate down?
3. Is there someone you need to seek out today and forgive?
Heavenly Father, You have set a standard for glory, and I have fallen short. Forgive me for my errors. Help me to forgive others who have fallen short with me. Thank You for sending Your son Jesus Christ, a priceless sacrifice for my sins.
Zvinechekuita neHurongwa uhu

Athletes are conditioned to be strong both physically and mentally. But as Christian competitors, we have the game-changing advantage of being spiritually strong. With Jesus Christ and His Word transforming us daily, we can be strong 24/7! The FCA Strong Devotional tackles issues that coaches and athletes during competition and in life. This 31-day plan will also help establish a consistent, daily quiet time with God, and includes extra readings and suggested prayer.