
Growing Tornados
Mark Jones
“They have planted the wind and will harvest the whirlwind.” Hosea 8:7a
When I was playing basketball in high school, I was bothered by the lack of focus on our team at times. Sometimes, whether we were winning big or losing by a little, they would be talking about the party on Friday, or their plans for the weekend. In those moments, they were thinking of other things rather than what was important, which was the task at hand.
Anything that takes our attention from God can turn into an idol. It can become something into which we invest time, resources, or energy. We will start worshipping it rather than God. In Hosea 8, God listed out some of the things that Israel had done against Him. In verses 4-6, He spoke about the idols that Israel had made. Our sport, money, and job, are all good things; but when we start chasing that thing rather than God, it’s an idol. Hosea 8:7 says that building idols for ourselves is like planting wind and growing a whirlwind, or tornado. Tornados do one thing: destroy. Idols will do only one thing: destroy our relationship with God.
In Matthew 6, Jesus said to focus on His kingdom and His righteousness first. If we can do that, everything, including our sport, will fall into its proper place.
1. What else can turn out attention from God?
2. Is there anything in your life that is distracting you from focusing on God?
3. If there is, what can you do about it?
Father, please reveal any idols I have set up in Your place, and please take Your proper place in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Zvinechekuita neHurongwa uhu

Athletes are conditioned to be strong both physically and mentally. But as Christian competitors, we have the game-changing advantage of being spiritually strong. With Jesus Christ and His Word transforming us daily, we can be strong 24/7! The FCA Strong Devotional tackles issues that coaches and athletes during competition and in life. This 31-day plan will also help establish a consistent, daily quiet time with God, and includes extra readings and suggested prayer.