Scripture WalkChikamu

Scripture Walk

DAY 3 OF 3

  Day #3 – Born To Stand Out

When I rededicated my life to the Lord at the age of 17, this was one of my favorite verses.

The verse tells us to be an example to believers, not to the world.

This raised the bar for me, because I wanted to ensure I was living out my faith in front of other believers (just as genuinely as I was living it out privately) to encourage them to a higher standard as well.

Verse To Read Aloud

Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity – 1 Timothy 4:12

Questions To Consider:

·In speech?

What kinds of things do you talk about? Positive/negative? Do you complain, whine, or nag? 

Do you encourage and build up others or bring them down? Also, what about the language you use?

· In life

Life consists of what you spend your time, money and thoughts on. If you want to know someone’s priorities, look at their calendar and checkbook.

Are you seeking mostly self-satisfaction or are you trying to please God and choosing activities that will help you grow?

·In love?

This is probably the most important one of all because the first and second most important commandments from Jesus have to do with love. 

You can go to church every Sunday your whole life, but if you cannot intentionally show love to those who do and do not deserve it, your faith is worthless (see 1 Corinthians 13)

·In faith?

There is a verse in the Bible that says without faith, it is impossible to please God.

·In purity?

If we pray and give and do nice things for others for public show or to impress others, that is your reward.

True religion is when we do these things with proper motives.

Questions For All To Share

· What is one of the last 5 books you have read and what is one thing you learned from it?

· Have you ever watched a Christian or inspirational movie/documentary on NetFlix or YouTube or at the movie theater?

· Have you considered adding some Christian or praise and worship music to your day? Note, Chris Tomlin is a great Christian artist who has some songs you can sing to the Lord

· What is an act of love or kindness that has been shown to you in the last 30 days? Why was it so special?

· If you were told you had 6 months to live, how would you change your life? 

Final Challenge:

·What would you like to be remembered for after your time here on earth? 

Start being that person today! 

Revise your priorities and start living out what matters most to you every single day of your life.

Zuva 2

About this Plan

Scripture Walk

This plan is designed to help you take steps toward investing time in God's Word, spending meaningful time with your family, and becoming more physically fit.  Why knock out all three goals at once, while having fun at the same time! 
