Luke 10
Jesus Sen Out Seventy-Two Guys
1Afta dat Jesus, Da One In Charge, pick seventy-two odda guys dat he like sen out two by two, fo dem go befo him, ery town an place wea he goin go bumbye. 2#Matt 9:37-38He tell um, “Get plenny peopo, dey jalike da crops, but ony get litto bit guys fo harves dem. So, tell Da One In Charge dat own da crops fo sen out mo guys fo bring in da harves. 3#Matt 10:16Go! I sen you guys out, jalike fo sen bebe sheeps wea da wild wolfs stay.
4“No take yoa money bag o odda bag o extra slippas, an no stop fo talk story wen you go down da road. 5Wen you go inside one house, firs tell um, ‘I come fo tell God fo make you guys come so notting bodda you, fo all you guys inside dis house.’ 6If one guy wit one good heart stay dea, you goin make him stay good inside. If inside he not good, wat you wen tell goin come back to you. 7#1Cor 9:14; 1Tim 5:18Stay inside dat house, an eat an drink wateva dey give you. Cuz dass good dey give you someting fo da work you do. No move aroun from one house to anodda house.
8“Weneva you come one town an da peopo like you stay ova dea wit dem, eat da food dey give you. 9Make da sick peopo dat stay dea come good, an tell um, ‘God stay da King hea wit you guys now.’
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JGuys 13:51
“But wen you go inside one town an da peopo no like you stay dea, go down da streets an tell, 11#Matt 10:7-14; Mark 6:8-11; Luke 9:3-5‘Da dus from yoa town dat stick on oua feet, we shake um off fo show you guys dat God no like, cuz you guys no lissen. But you betta know dis fo shua: God stay da King hea now.’ 12#Start 19:24-28; Matt 11:24; Matt 10:15I tell you guys dis: Wen erybody stan in front God da Judge, he goin punish da peopo from Sodom town cuz dey wen do plenny bad kine stuff befo time. But goin be mo easy fo dem, den fo da peopo inside da town dat no like hear wat you guys tell!”
Da Peopo Inside Some Towns No Trus God
(Matthew 11:20-24; Isaiah 14:13, 15)
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Isa 23:1-18; Ezek 26:1–28:26; Joel 3:4-8; Amos 1:9-10; Zek 9:2-4 Jesus tell, “Bummahs, you guys from Korazin town! You goin get it, cuz you neva lissen! Bummahs you guys from Betsaida town! You goin get it too, cuz you neva lissen! Eh, I neva show da powa God get fo da Tyre an Sidon guys da way I wen show um fo you guys. Dass why dem Tyre an Sidon guys neva come sorry from long time an dey still stay do bad kine stuff. Dey neva show dey come shame fo all da bad kine stuff dey wen do, an no do um no moa. Dey neva see da powa God get da way you Korazin an Betsaida guys see um. Dass why da Tyre an Sidon peopo neva put on burmbag cloth an throw ash on top dea head, fo erybody know dey sorry. But you guys wen see da powa God get, an you still yet not sorry! 14Bumbye goin be mo easy fo da peopo from Tyre an Sidon towns wen dey stan in front God da Judge, den fo you guys. 15#Isa 14:13-15An you guys from Capernaum town, you figga God goin bring you up in da sky wit him, o wat? No way! Mo like he goin throw you guys down inside Hell, cuz you guys neva lissen!”
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Matt 10:40; Mark 9:37; Luke 9:48; John 13:20 Jesus tell his guys, “Whoeva hear you, dey hear me too. Whoeva tell ‘Laytas’ to you, dey tell ‘Laytas’ to me too. Whoeva tell ‘Laytas’ to me, dey tell ‘Laytas’ to da One dat wen sen me.”
Da Seventy-Two Guys Come Back
17Da seventy-two guys come back, an dey stay real good inside. Dey tell, “Boss, even da bad kine spirits do wat we tell um fo do, cuz we yoa guys, an we use yoa name.”
18Jesus tell um, “I wen see Satan, dat time God throw um down from da sky fas jalike da lightning. 19#Songs 91:13Lissen! I wen give you guys da powa fo you walk on top snakes an scorpions, an you guys get da powa fo win ova da one dat stay agains us, az Satan. You guys get plenny mo powa den Satan get. An notting goin hurt you guys. 20But no stay good inside jus cuz da bad spirits do wat you tell um fo do. Stay good inside cuz God get you guys names inside his book inside da sky.”
Jesus Stay Good Inside
(Matthew 11:25-27; 13:16-17)
21Dat time da Good An Spesho Spirit make Jesus stay real good inside. An he tell, “Faddah, you Da One In Charge all ova da sky an da world. Mahalo plenny, cuz you hide all dis stuff from da smart guys an da guys dat know plenny stuff, an you show um to da small kids. Dass wat you like do.”
22 #
John 3:35;
John 10:15
Jesus tell, “My Faddah give me eryting, you know. Nobody know me da way my Faddah know me. An nobody know my Faddah fo real kine, ony me, I know him, an da peopo I like show him, dey know him too.”
23Den Jesus turn aroun to his guys an tell um (but he neva tell da odda peopo), “You guys stay good inside cuz you see da stuff you see! 24I tell you, Plenny kings an plenny guys dat wen talk fo God wen like see an hear da stuff you guys see an hear, but dey neva see um.”
Da Good Guy From Samaria
(Rules Secon Time 6:5; Prieses 19:18)
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Matt 22:35-40; Mark 12:28-34 One teacha dat teach da Rules From God stan up fo aks Jesus one question fo tes him. He tell, “Teacha, wat I gotta do fo get da real kine life dat goin stay to da max foeva?”
26Jesus tell, “Tell me wat da Rules From God tell inside da Bible.”
27 #
Rules2 6:5;
Pries 19:18
Da teacha tell, “Go all out fo show love an aloha fo yoa God, Da One In Charge. Show yoa aloha wit eryting inside you, wit how you feel, wit how you tink, an wit all yoa powa. An go all out fo show love an aloha fo erybody jalike you get love an aloha fo you.”
28 #
Pries 18:5
Jesus tell, “Dass right! Do dat an you goin live fo real kine.”
29But da guy like look good, so he tell, “Wat you mean, go all out fo show love an aloha fo erybody?”
30Jesus tell, “Had one guy. He go down Jericho town from Jerusalem. Get some guys dat jump um, rip um off, bus um up, an leave um dea fo mahke. 31Bumbye one Jew pries guy come on dat same road. He spock da guy, but he go da odda side a da road. 32Same ting, one guy from da Levi ohana dat help da pries guys, he spock him, an go da odda side a da road too. 33#2Rec 28:15Den one guy from Samaria go down dat road an come wea da guy stay. He spock him, an get pity fo him. 34Da Samaria guy go by him, put olive oil an wine on top wea da guy all bus up, an put bandage on him. He put da guy on top da Samaria guy donkey, an take um to one inn, an take kea him. 35Da nex day, wen he leave, he give two silva coin to da inn boss an tell, ‘Take kea him, an wen I come back I pay you watevas extra fo take kea him.’
36“From da three guys, who you figga go all out fo show love an aloha fo da guy dose bad guys wen bus up?”
37Da teacha guy tell, “Da guy dat show pity fo him.”
Jesus tell, “You go make lidat too!”
Jesus Go See Marta An Mary
38 #
John 11:1
Jesus an da guys he teach go down one road, an dey come one small town. One wahine Marta stay dea. She tell um fo come inside her house. 39She get one sistah Mary, an Mary sit down by Jesus feets an lissen wat he tell. 40But bodda Marta cuz ony her stay do all da work, an she come an tell, “Eh Boss, you no kea dat my sistah leave me fo do eryting? Tell her fo come help me!”
41Jesus, Da One In Charge, tell Marta, “Marta! You stay bum out, bodda you bout plenny stuff! 42But you ony need one ting. Mary wen pick da mo betta ting, an nobody can take dat away from her.”
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Luke 10: HPB
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