7 dejstev, ki jih o starševstvu navaja Sveto pismoVzorec

7 Things The Bible Says About Parenting

DAY 7 OF 7

Several years ago, we stepped into God’s calling to grow our family through foster care and adoption. We knew it would be hard, but we were ready to be the hands and feet of Jesus to families in their time of need. We were ready to change the world. What we didn’t realize was how much God would change our world.

People often tell us how special we are for doing this. But let me tell you a secret: foster parents aren’t special. We are broken; we mess up; we yell, and we definitely don’t have it all together. We are simply people walking in faith and diving into the mess. What is special, however, is what God does when we are obedient.

We have seen God show up time after time in the last few years as a foster family, moving more mountains than we ever remember Him doing before. When we thought there was no hope for relationship with a child’s biological family, God showed up. When we had to say goodbye to some of the kids we’ve fostered, God showed up. When we thought we might not make it another day, God showed up.

This journey has also helped us understand more clearly how God sees us. Just as we welcome children who are hurting into our home, God has welcomed us into his family. He is our Heavenly Father and our defender. He doesn’t care what our problems are, the sins we’ve committed, or where we fall short. If we come to Him, He embraces us like a father, loves us unconditionally, and calls us His daughters and sons.

If you feel inadequate, if you feel like you’re facing impossible circumstances, or even if you’re just not sure what you should do next, I’d encourage you to seek God and jump in. People might think you’re crazy. In fact, I can guarantee they will. But I can also guarantee this: God is already pursuing you. And He has a plan for your life that’s beyond anything you can imagine today.

Taylor Ketron
YouVersion Administrator

Sveto pismo

Dan 6

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7 Things The Bible Says About Parenting

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