The Wedding at CanaVzorec

The Wedding at Cana

DAY 2 OF 12

Three Days Later

The miracle of the wedding at Cana occurred "on the third day." This timing is not coincidental but profoundly symbolic, indicating the prophetic significance of the third day in the Bible, particularly the Resurrection of Jesus.

The "third day" occurs often in Scripture as a time of Divine Intervention and New Life. In Hosea, it is said that "the third day will raise us up." This finds its fulfillment in the Resurrection of Christ, who rose from the dead on the third day, demonstrating Victory over death and inaugurating a new era of Redemption.

John’s specification of the miracle at Cana as occurring “on the third day” foreshadows the central theme of the Gospel: Jesus is the Giver of New Life. At the wedding, the water intended for the purification rites is transformed into wine, a symbol of the Blood that He would shed for the New Covenant. Just as at the Resurrection the old order gives way to the New Creation, so here the miracle represents a spiritual transformation: from what is common and ritual to what is full of life and eternal meaning.

Furthermore, the third day at the wedding is linked to the third day of the Resurrection to emphasize that Jesus always works according to God’s Perfect Plan. In Exodus 19:11, God reveals Himself to the people on Mount Sinai on the third day, linking this idea of ​​Divine Revelation to the profound meaning of the third day as a time when God acts to save and renew.

This first verse invites us to reflect on the Resurrection not only as a historical event but as the heart of Jesus' Message: He comes to bring us Eternal Joy, symbolized by the new wine that He Himself offers, prefiguring the Eternal Banquet of the Kingdom of God.

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About this Plan

The Wedding at Cana

Imagine being at a wedding, a moment of celebration suddenly ruined by the lack of wine. It is here that Jesus performs His first miracle, transforming water into wine and revealing His Glory. But this sign goes beyond a simple extraordinary gesture: it speaks of transformation, abundance, and a Joy that only Christ can give. Let yourself be surprised by the profound meaning of this miracle, which still today invites us to trust Him to receive something infinitely better.
