Responding to the Call: Embracing Gods Invitation With Obedience and FaithVzorec

As our 'Responding To The Call' Bible plan comes to an end, I've been contemplating the beauty of simple obedience. It's remarkable how often God's greatest movements start with a simple "yes" from an ordinary servant...
Imagine the king's servants in the wedding feast parable? They weren't just passive messengers—they were active participants in the most important invitation of the kingdom.
In Matthew 22, when the initial guests refused the wedding invitation, the king didn't cancel the feast. Instead, he turned to his servants with a radical new strategy:"Go to the street corners and invite everyone you can find" (Matthew 22:9).These servants didn't argue, and didn't question the unusual command. They simply obeyed.
I've always been fascinated by servants in the Bible. Not the glamorous heroes, but the ones working behind the scenes. Like Ananias, called to minister to Saul—the very man who had been persecuting Christians. When God told him to go, Ananias could have listed a hundred reasons why this mission was impossible. Instead, although hesitant, he went.
God's words to Ananias are a blueprint for every servant: "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel" (Acts 9:15). Notice how the calling wasn't about Ananias's comfort or qualifications, but about God's purpose.
Just like the servants in the wedding feast parable, our role isn't to determine who deserves the invitation. Our job is simply to extend it.
Paul understood this servant mentality profoundly. After his dramatic conversion, he didn't waste time proving his worthiness."Immediately he began preaching about Jesus in the synagogues" (Acts 9:20). Immediately. No hesitation. No endless preparation. Just pure, radical obedience.
The servants in Matthew 22 brought in everyone—"good and bad alike" (Matthew 22:10).They didn't discriminate. They didn't judge. They simply gathered. This is the heart of true service: showing up, extending the invitation, trusting the host to sort out the details.
Paul, Ananias, and the servants all responded to the call in two ways; salvation and committed service to the Lord.
As you reflect on these scriptures—Matthew 22:9-10, Acts 9:15, and Acts 9:20—consider that once we accept salvation, we become servants of the Lord, and as my spiritual mother always says, I didn’t get saved to sit, I got saved to serve.”
Are you ready to respond to the call?
If you enjoyed this reading plan by Rachel G. Scott, you'll love the complementary guided journal she created called, Where to GROW from Here?: A 14-day guided journal to help you grow in your walk with God. Grab your copy HERE.
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About this Plan

Are you running from God's call? If so, this 3-day devotional will give you a sense of urgency and divine perspective. From the parable of the wedding feast to the importance of wearing the right spiritual garments, this devotional will challenge you to move from hesitation to obedience, embracing the calling God has already prepared for you.