The Forgotten Teachings of JesusVzorec

The Forgotten Teachings of Jesus

DAY 4 OF 6

Releasing Fears and Frustrations to God

As far back as they can remember, Simon and Andrew have never known much of anything beyond the Sea of Galilee. From their childhood home in Bethsaida to their current residence in Capernaum, the freshwater lake has always been the first thing they smell when they awake and the last thing they see outside their windows as they fall asleep.

They were fishermen, members of a trade that, while not particularly esteemed, was vital to the region. Unfortunately for Simon and Andrew, as imagined in episode 4, there is a likelihood that they will lose their boat. Their tax debt has grown so high that Rome is threatening to confiscate their possessions—including their boat, their only means of income—to settle the debt.

Faced with such grim prospects, it is clear that Simon is willing to do anything to fix this situation. Lie to his wife? Betray his friends? Break the Sabbath? He seems to feel that everything is an option when so much is at stake.

As Simon stands in his boat, exhausted after hours of fishing with nothing to show for it, he is even more distraught over the hopelessness of his situation, so he cries out to God in anger and frustration.

At the height of his frustration, Simon mocks God’s promise to Abraham that God would multiply his descendants like the stars of heaven. He recounts how, instead of blessing his nation, God let them suffer.

Simon is certainly not the first person to shout at God. The Psalms are filled with moments of frustration when the psalmist questions why God is allowing him to experience such pain and suffering. There is never the sense that he will be judged for this; God can handle our emotional outbursts.

In fact, an explosion of emotion can actually be an important part of our relationship with the Lord. Even Jesus vents his fear as he prays to the Lord on the eve of his crucifixion. He does not pretend that everything is fine or constrain the legitimate feelings welling up inside him. He confesses them honestly. But note that in the end he surrenders himself to his Father’s will.

This is what Simon is doing as he shouts from his boat. He is scared, frustrated, and yearning for God’s help. He releases every one of these thoughts and emotions. Then, once they are out in the open, he is finally ready to surrender.

Do you need to vent your feelings and frustrations, freeing yourself to receive what only Jesus can offer? Where are you still trying to resolve things through your own strength and strategies, caught up in the frenzy and only heading deeper into the darkness?

Jesus can handle your fears and our frustrations. He understands your pain. He wants to save you now, while you are still standing in your boat, afraid for your future, hanging onto the hope that, through him, things can change both now and forever.

Reflect: What is my greatest fear or frustration right now that I want God to handle?

Prayer Starter: Lord Jesus, I know you handle the emotions I feel and express. I humbly ask for you to come into my situation and…

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About this Plan

The Forgotten Teachings of Jesus

Whether you’re a devoted fan of the popular series The Chosen or someone who has wondered just how biblical the show is, this enlightening 5-day reading plan will ignite your desire to explore Scripture further. Delve into the world and teachings of Jesus and grow in your relationship with him.
