Your Faith Has Made You WellVzorec

Your Faith Has Made You Well

DAY 4 OF 5

Bold Faith

The answer is no if you don’t ask.” My kids are probably tired of hearing me say that. I’ve said it many times, for so many years, that it must be ingrained in their brains.

I encourage them to be bold and ask when they want or need something. I’ve seen them grow in this, making bold asks of my wife and me, teachers, coaches, and even eventual clients in their videography business—and most importantly, to God in prayer.

The answers aren’t always what they want; sometimes, they’ve been told to “keep quiet” or wait. That’s what happened to Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52.

Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, was sitting by the roadside when Jesus passed by. Despite the crowd telling him to be quiet, Bartimaeus shouted, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Despite the crowd “shushing” him, he continued shouting for Jesus to hear him.

You must be bold in the face of opposition when you're desperate.

Bartimaeus didn’t care what people thought. He didn’t let their rebukes stop him from reaching out to Jesus. That’s the kind of bold faith that gets Jesus’ attention—the kind that isn’t afraid to ask, cry out, and keep believing, even when others doubt or dismiss your need.

His boldness caused Jesus to stop and ask him what he wanted. Bartimaeus boldly asked for his sight, and Jesus responded, “Go, your faith has made you well.” Immediately, Bartimaeus received his sight and followed Jesus.

Bartimaeus shows us that bold faith refuses to be silenced.

Bold faith doesn’t give up. It pushes through doubts, opposition, and discouragement. Bartimaeus didn’t care what the crowd thought—he cared about what Jesus could do. His faith brought him a miracle and teaches us to cry out in faith, even when others try to quiet us.

Jesus hears those who boldly call out to Him and responds to faith that won’t be silenced.

Bring your boldest prayers to Jesus. Don’t hold back. What have you been afraid to bring to Him? Boldly ask Jesus in faith, trusting He hears you and is ready to respond.

Today’s prayer…

Lord, give me bold faith to cry out to You, trusting that You hear and respond in love. Amen.

Tomorrow, we’ll learn how persistent faith can bring breakthroughs, even after years of waiting.

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About this Plan

Your Faith Has Made You Well

What if the faith you already have could unlock the healing, freedom, and breakthrough you’ve been waiting for?" Jesus often said, “Your faith has made you well.” In this 5-day plan, we’ll explore stories where faith in Jesus brought healing and restoration. You’ll be encouraged and empowered to trust Jesus for healing, freedom, and peace in every area of your life.
