Perversion From a Biblical PerspectiveVzorec

The Dangers of Yielding to Perversion
“Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.” –Romans 1:28 NIV
Statistics show porn addiction, or problematic pornography use, affects approximately 5–8% of the adult population. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the world wide web, this figure is only expected to increase with time. Interestingly enough, while on the surface, it may appear viewers engage with this type of content for quick and easy sexual gratification, there are deep-rooted issues such as an unfulfilled longing for love, that tempts people to sneak a little peek here and there.
The catch is, every time a person goes back for more, their appetite for the inappropriate content only increases, which causes them to develop an urge that can only be satisfied with continual and increased viewership. No matter how much they try to convince themselves their actions are not that bad, slowly but surely, they grant the enemy permission to normalize things that God says are evil.
At this point, a person’s conscience becomes seared and God gives them over to a depraved mindset so they do the things they should not do without concern for consequences. Oftentimes, at this stage, an individual will try to justify their immoral acts. Even if they do recognize their actions are wrong, they won’t be convicted or moved to change their behavior. Sadly, before they know it, they become ensnared and entangled in a messy web of sin.
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About this Plan

In 1 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul warned believers to flee from sexual immorality because he understood the devastating effects such acts could have on a person’s mind, body, spirit, and soul. This plan explores the consequence of sexual sin from the lens of scripture in the hopes of encouraging all to heed Paul's advice.