This Is the Way: A 30-Day Journey Through the Book of ActsVzorec

This Is the Way: A 30-Day Journey Through the Book of Acts

DAY 30 OF 30

The Story Continues ...

By Niles Holsinger

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,
so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. —Ephesians 2:10

My favorite television show when I was a kid wasThe A-Team, a classic 1980’s action-adventure show about four falsely accused soldiers who were hiding out and trying to prove their innocence. They were the good guys, always ready to lend a hand to those in need along the way. Their leader, John “Hannibal” Smith, was my hero.

Every episode—no matter what mishap or adventure they got into, no matter what problems they had to solve—ended with everything going their way. Then Hannibal would look at his team, smile, and say, “I love it when a plan comes together.”

These are the stories we love to watch and read. These are the stories we long to see ourselves in. These arenotthe stories we’ve just read in the book of Acts.

Persecution, beatings, false accusations, stonings, betrayals, imprisonments, heartbreaks, disappointments, shipwrecks, poisonous vipers, infighting, and death mixed with miracles, salvations, baptisms, blind eyes being opened, the lame walking, the dead raised back to life, and the people of God persevering. This is the story of the book of Acts. This is the story of the Church. This is the story of ordinary people filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. This is the story of the kingdom of God advancing.

And this is the story that continues today.

In church services, small groups, prayer meetings, and student services. In homeless outreaches and nights of worship. In Bible studies and Sunday schools ... the Church keeps growing.

In school pickup lines and conference rooms. In coffee shops and at kitchen tables. In laundromats and grocery stores. At block parties and in hospital rooms. At baby showers and in prison cells. In the good days and in the bad days. In joy and in sorrow ... the kingdom of God is advancing.

And you are part of it!

The power of God still moves through ordinary people like you and me, and He is eager to use us to spread His love, perform miracles, heal the broken, and bring salvation to those around us. Whether in moments of joy or sorrow, in our everyday routines or unexpected interruptions, we are called to be carriers of God’s kingdom—representatives of the King.

So, if you feel something growing inside of you, like a fire beginning to burn, a desire for more, or a sense of discontentment with how things have always been, I want to teach you the most dangerous prayer you can pray: “Lord, use me.”

Warning! If you pray and ask the Lord to use you, be ready because God is looking for a new kind of A-Team . . . The ACTS Team!

He wants people who are:

Available. God’s searching for people who are available, even when it’s awkward, uncomfortable, and inconvenient.

Courageous. God’s looking for people to step out of their comfort zones and courageously share their testimonies of His goodness.

Teachable. God’s ready to use believers with teachable spirits who are studying His Word and growing in wisdom.

Spirit-filled. God’s seeking men, women, and children of all ages who want to be filled with His Spirit on a daily basis so they can partner with Him in building His kingdom!

If you’re ready to join The ACTS Team, be prepared for a thrilling adventure of faith, one where God’s plan comes together in ways beyond what you could imagine—advancing His kingdom throughyou. And by faith, I believe each of us who joins the team will stand with God at the end of time, look back on the story of humanity, smile, and say, “I love it when a plan comes together.”


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your presence and peace in every season of life. In times of joy and in moments of trial, I find strength in You. Just as Jesus reminded us that we would face troubles in this world, we also know He has overcome the world. Help me to live with this confidence, trusting in Your plan and Your power to work through me. Lord, stir within me a deep desire to be used by You for the advancement of Your kingdom. Open my eyes to see the opportunities You’ve prepared around me and give me boldness to step out in faith. Lord, use me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  • This week, look for an opportunity to share a story of what God has done in your life with someone who needs encouragement. It doesn’t have to be dramatic—simply tell them how God has brought you peace, hope, or joy in a situation you’ve faced. Your testimony can spark faith in someone else.
  • Pray for kingdom-minded boldness and for God to use you in a new way. Whether it’s in a conversation, an act of kindness, or an unexpected situation, be open and ready for God to work through you. Remember, God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

For Further Study

Isaiah 6:8; Matthew 11:12; John 16:33; John 14:12–14

Holy Spirit, what are you saying to me?

Dan 29

About this Plan

This Is the Way: A 30-Day Journey Through the Book of Acts

This powerful devotional brings the book of Acts to life for today’s believers. Discover how the early Christians turned their world upside down through the power of the Holy Spirit—and how you can do the same. Written by 30 different voices sharing fresh insights and personal stories, you’ll be inspired to walk in supernatural boldness, wisdom, and authority to impact your world. Whether you’re new to faith or have been walking with God for decades, this devotional will ignite your passion to see God move in miraculous ways as you learn to partner with Him in building His Church.
