Advent: Join the TriumphVzorec

The Scripture:
"Elijah was afraid. So he ran for his life. He came to Beersheba in Judah. He left his servant there" (1 Kings 19:3, NIRV ).
The Story:
Have you ever felt like you were the only one doing the right thing, that everyone else was doing the wrong thing, or that they were even against you? When I was a kid, this came up often because I hate when someone cuts me in line. There was no way to upset me more quickly than if you cut me in line, but here’s the thing: most everyone cuts in line, so sometimes I felt all by myself on this. Maybe you feel this in a more serious way, like no one else is kind to your teacher, no one else helps with chores at home, or no one else in your class has to wake up early on Sunday for church.
Elijah, the hero of yesterday's story, felt this way too. After he defeated the prophets of Baal, he ran away because he felt all alone and was afraid the prophets of Baal would kill him, even though Elijah just saw God show up. But Elijah lost hope in God: he lost hope that there was anyone else out there to help him, so he ran away, afraid. Now this story continues, and God shows up to Elijah and brings Peace and Truth. Truth that there are many people out there who love God, and he is not the only person left. Truth that God will never leave or forsake His children. Truth that things may not always be perfect or easy, but God is stronger than it all.
Even after a major victory, you may need help with hope. It is easy to forget or become distracted by the way God answered prayers. Today, I want us to do something different and lead us in a prayer. I would love for you to pause and read this prayer out loud. This is a prayer to fix your eyes on God and put your hope in Him because He brings triumph.
“Dear God, You are Good. You are Stronger and Greater than any problem I could ever face. Sometimes life is hard, but remind me that You are Good. Remind me that You keep Your Promises. Because You are Good and because You keep Your Promises, I can hope in You. God, I believe in You, but help my unbelief. I pray all of this in Jesus’ Saving Name Amen.
The Triumph:
Christmas is a time of Hope. Hope that Jesus was born and will one day return to make all things right. Jesus knows what it means to feel alone and be betrayed, so we can look to the Life of Jesus to be hopeful even in hard times.
Sveto pismo
About this Plan

This Christmas prepare to celebrate the Birth of Jesus with this Advent Devotional! We will be looking at how the Birth of Jesus is an invitation to Victory over sin, death, and evil. We will look at the Victories of The Bible and how they point to the Ultimate Victory of Jesus.