Day 3: How You Can Be Sure You’re Hearing From God
How can you be certain that what you’re sensing in your spirit is truly the Spirit of Truth communicating with you? The apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, provides a dependable guideline: “...In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established” (2 Corinthians 13:1). This verse assures us that when God is leading, He confirms it through multiple “witnesses.” These can come through your pastor, the words of a trusted friend, or even a specific circumstance.
Similarly, while reading the Bible, if a verse suddenly speaks to your heart, it provides a solid foundation for you to rely on. When multiple witnesses align on a matter in your life, it’s like a green light signaling you to proceed. Contradictory signs act like a yellow caution light, advising you to slow down. If there are several indications saying, “No, don’t do this,” then it’s a red light, telling you not to proceed.
The primary witness God provides is the Bible itself. The God who leads you is the same God who inspired the Bible, and He will never lead you to do something contradictory to what has been clearly stated in His Word. Anything that tells you to go against what is taught in the Bible will never be the will of God.
First John 5:14 and 15 says, “And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will [the Bible], He heareth us; and if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.” When we stick with the Bible, we’re on safe ground because it reveals the will of God.
For instance, healing is the will of God because it is found in the Bible. Walking in integrity and tithing are also the will of God as they, too, are promoted throughout the Scriptures. If the Lord authorizes it in His Word, you can act with confidence. If God is against it in His Word, He will never lead you to do it.
Another witness God has given us to confirm His leading in our lives is the voice of the Holy Spirit. If we listen, the Holy Spirit will guide us through anything. The Bible says in Romans 8:14, “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” This means if we are children of God, we have a right to be led by the Holy Spirit. Interestingly, Romans 8:14 in the original Greek text reads, “As many as by the Spirit of God are being led, they are the sons of God.” This positions the Holy Spirit in front of us, leading us along behind Him. He usually doesn’t head us by thunderbolts or angelic appearances. Instead, He gently tugs on our hearts, pulling us in the direction of His will. When you sense Him leading you in your heart, but don’t understand it in your mind, reject the reasoning of your mind and choose to listen to what He’s saying. He has your best interest at heart, and He will never lead you astray!
Questions to Consider:
- The primary way God speaks to us and guides us to fulfill His will is through the voice of the Bible. How can you rely on and trust the Bible?
- What effects can you anticipate as you read and study Scripture?
About this Plan

Do you need to re-calculate? If you’ve gotten off track and lost your way, the Holy Spirit knows how to help you re-calculate to get back on track again. God doesn’t want you wandering aimlessly—He wants you to be on course and focused on His plan. With the Holy Spirit’s help, you not only learn how to get back on track from deviating from His path, but also how to stay on track!