Acts 6:8-15 | Facing OppositionVzorec

The early church was riding a wave of momentum. The apostles were preaching “Christ is risen! Christ is king!” Signs and wonders were being performed in his name. The hand of God’s grace and judgment were evident to everyone around. People were being saved by the thousands. The opposition couldn’t stand against them. Not threats or imprisonment or even flogging could back the apostles down. Jesus promised his followers that they would be witnesses in Jerusalem and Judea. He promised his Holy Spirit would be upon them. It was happening!
Which leads us to the end of Acts 6. Here, we meet a man named Stephen. Stephen was one of seven men chosen by that first gathering of believers and authorized by the apostles. The Spirit of God was on Stephen, too, and everyone saw it.
So it’s no surprise that Stephen did what the apostles did. He proclaimed Christ, and Christ worked signs and wonders through him, too. That’s the way of Christ. What Christ did, Christ seeks to do in us too.
It’s also no surprise that Stephen faced the same opposition. That’s the way of Christ. What Christ faced, his followers will face, too.
Acts 6-7 is one long account of God working through Stephen and the opposition Stephen faced. Over the next four weeks, we’ll break it into parts. This week we’ll consider the fact that if you proclaim Christ, you will be a target. You will face opposition. Today, familiarize yourself with the opening to this story. Then pause for a moment and consider: How has God’s grace or power been working in your life? What opposition have you been noticing to it – be it from within you or around you?
About this Plan

Following Jesus will lead to opposition. It happened to the early disciples. It will happen to you. How do we then move forward when it happens? This 5-day plan continues a journey through the book of Acts, the Bible’s gripping sequel of Jesus at work in the life of his followers as he expands his kingdom to the ends of the earth. It’s a journey on what it means to be a Christian. It’s a story in which you have a role to play.