Advent Scripture CalendarVzorec

See, darkness covers the earth
Before the Lord Jesus returns, darkness will cover the earth and darkness is over the peoples. When we think of darkness, we must first think of moral decay. Many people will exclude God from their lives and go their own way. Doing what is right in their own eyes. And without realising it, they will be without God and under the influence of the prince of darkness.
At least two aspects characterise this prince of darkness. These aspects are also contained in his names. He is the accuser (satan) and he is the divider (devil). He tries to drive a wedge between God and man, he tries to justify what is wrong, and he tries to divide. When necessary, he even uses the Bible to do so. In many ways he has succeeded.
We live in confusing times. No one can deny that. Whether it is the climate, the cacophony of voices and opinions in the media, the war between Israel and its proxies: people are at odds with each other and sometimes fiercely so.
Yet, suddenly Christ will appear, and the glory of God will be seen above Jerusalem. Because that is where Jesus will return, on the Mount of Olives! Isaiah uses the image of the sun here. In the Middle East the sun rises very quickly. It can become dark very quickly, but in the morning, you can see the sun rise. Isaiah 60 also ends with this: ‘I, the Lord, will bring it about quickly in its time.’ (NASB)
The time prior to the Second Coming is a time of confusion and darkness, but also a time of deception. People will lose track. As children of God, we must be careful that nothing distracts us from the most important thing: to testify of the Gospel, show that we live with Jesus, and help to bring Jews home to Israel.
Let us pray that God will keep us in our calling in a confusing time.
Sveto pismo
About this Plan

In this Advent season, it is a meanigful time for us, as Gentile believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to ask ourselves: what is our identity? Are we rooted in the whole word of God – including the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments? Are we looking for the coming of the Messiah, the Light of the world (John 8:12), who will reign from Jerusalem 'in the midst of His people Jacob'? Join us for daily reflections this Advent as we prepare our hearts and look forward with anticipation. Author: Rev. Henk Poot, Christians for Israel