Advent Devotional: Make Room for JesusVzorec

Advent Devotional: Make Room for Jesus

DAY 18 OF 24

Day 18: Make Room for Joy

The story of the Magi surrounding the birth of Jesus is a captivating one. We read in scripture of wise men from the East who were looking for the King of the Jews. They were most likely astrologers who studied stars and so, because of their immense knowledge, they immediately knew this was no ordinary star in the sky. It signaled something greater than the world had ever known before. So they responded to the miracle and began a journey to find the promised King. They first stopped in Jerusalem and were intercepted by King Herod who had ulterior motives in finding the new King. But the wisemen saw beyond His schemes when his motives were revealed to them in a dream. Instead they went on a journey of their own to Bethlehem in hopes to find the promised Messiah.

We can learn from scripture that their journey wasn't a short one. It wasn't something they knocked out in a few days. And they didn't even know exactly what they would find or how long it would take to get there. Regardless of their uncertainty or hardships, they trusted that it would be worth it to be in the presence of the long awaited King. This is where we pick up in Matthew 2.

"After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh." - Matthew 2:9-11

The Magi’s journey was birthed in trust and crowned in joy. Which is why their worship could not be contained when they met the promised King. Their journey was long but Jesus was worth it.

How often are we afraid to step out in faith like the Magi and trust that God will do what He says He will do? Listen to His voice, let Him lead and be ready to experience His miracles.


  • Reflect on a time in your life when you knew God was working ahead of you but you had to trust His process. What did you learn about God and about yourself during that time?
  • How does the Magi's faith prompt you to step out in faith?
  • How could you, by stepping out in faith and trusting God, impact those around you to do the same?


Spend some time with God asking Him to give you an opportunity to step out in faith and trust Him this week. Joy will come as we seek God in big ways in our life.

Dan 17Dan 19

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Advent Devotional: Make Room for Jesus

Busyness can become the mantra of the holiday season if we are not intentional to make room for Jesus. Over these next 24 days, let's declutter our hearts and minds so we can make room for the gifts of love, joy, hope and peace that our Savior has given us.
