5 Ways God Speaks to UsVzorec

5 Ways God Speaks to Us

DAY 4 OF 5

God Speaks to Us Through Dreams and Visions and His Audible Voice


Hearing God's audible voice is well documented throughout the Bible. Paul's encounter on the road to Damascus, Samuel being woken from his sleep, and Adam and Eve hearing God’s voice in the garden are just a few examples of this happening. In the books titled Surprised by the Voice of God and Surprised by the Power of the Spirit, there are numerous testimonies and scriptural examples of when God’s audible voice has been heard.

Many Christians have heard God’s audible voice, though most of us probably haven’t had that experience. If that’s you, don’t be discouraged; keep asking God to speak to you in whatever way He sees best!

In Joel 2:28 God told us He would also speak to us through dreams and visions. These come in various forms:

Direct Messages: In some instances, God uses dreams and visions to deliver direct messages or instructions. These messages can provide guidance, encouragement, warnings, or insights into God’s will. For an example, read the story of Joseph in Genesis 37.

Symbolic Language: God often communicates with us through symbolic language in dreams and visions. The symbolism in these experiences can be open to interpretation and may require discernment. For example, in Revelation John’s vision is filled with symbolism that conveys spiritual truths and prophecies. In Daniel 2, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, is troubled by a dream that none of his wise men can interpret. Daniel, a young Jewish exile known for his wisdom and faith, is brought before the king. God reveals both the dream and its interpretation to Daniel.

Confirmation and Reassurance: Dreams and visions can serve as a means of confirmation or reassurance from God. They can affirm a person’s faith, decisions, or calling. Gideon sought confirmation from God through a fleece (Judges 6:36-40) and God provided it.

Conviction of Sin: God may use dreams and visions to convict us of sin, prompting us to repent and turn to Him. These experiences are a call to righteousness and holiness.

Revelation: Dreams and visions can provide glimpses into spiritual realms and realities that are not obvious in the physical world. They can reveal God’s glory, the Heavenly realm, or the spiritual battles taking place.

Personal Guidance and Direction: God gives us guidance and direction for our personal lives and decisions through dreams and visions. These experiences can offer insights into relationships, career choices, and other aspects of life.

Prophetic Insights: In both the Old and New Testaments, prophets received many of their messages and prophecies through dreams and visions. God uses these experiences to convey His Word to His people.


  1. Can you recall a time when you felt that God communicated with you through a direct message, dream, or vision? How did you respond?
  2. Why is it important to pray for discernment when you receive a dream or vision?
  3. Have you ever experienced a dream or vision that gained clarity or significance after you wrote it down and reflected on it? Can you share that experience?
  4. How can you prepare yourself to respond promptly and faithfully to God's instructions?
  5. What are some potential obstacles to acting on God's instructions, and how can you overcome them?


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for speaking to us in various ways, just as You spoke to Paul, Peter, and Samuel. Help us to be attentive and receptive to Your voice, whether it comes through an audible message, a dream, or the voice of your Spirit. Grant us the discernment to understand what you’re saying and the courage to act on Your instructions. May our lives be transformed by Your guidance and filled with the power of Your Spirit.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Dan 3Dan 5

About this Plan

5 Ways God Speaks to Us

We know God wants to speak with, through, and to us. Our relationship with Him is not meant to be one-sided; it is a dialogue. Just as any loving parent desires to speak with their child, God wishes to engage with us and offers us guidance, wisdom, comfort, and love. We serve a living God who is not silent but actively involved in our lives. This plan involves some of the ways God communicates with us.
