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The 10 Commandments of Christian DatingSample

The 10 Commandments of Christian Dating

DAY 5 OF 5

Luke 12:6-7

“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

Knowing your boundaries and your worth go hand-in-hand. What you believe about yourself is tied to what you believe about God. And your beliefs are the foundation for the guidelines you set for yourself while dating. Because of this, the final two “commandments” of Christian dating are about boundaries and self-worth.

Christian Dating Commandment #9: Thou Shalt Establish Boundaries

It’s wise not to start dating until you’ve established your boundaries. It’s also important to set boundaries with your boyfriend or girlfriend once you begin dating. Boundaries are designed to protect you and others emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Having healthy, godly boundaries in place honors God and improves your dating experience.

How to apply this “commandment:”

  • Decide on your boundaries based on what you believe, what makes you comfortable, and your faith before dating.
  • Talk about your boundaries with your partner early to make sure you both agree and understand them.
  • Continually evaluate your boundaries as needed to grow with you as your relationship grows.

Christian Dating Commandment #10: Thou Shalt Not Forget Your Worth

And most importantly, what and who defines your worth. Your worth is not defined by your relationship status. It doesn’t change if someone ghosts you. Your worth isn’t determined by what other people think about you. Your worth is found in God — the One who created you loves you, and finds you immensely valuable regardless of your relationship status.

How to apply this “commandment:”

  • Remind yourself regularly that your value comes from God, not from being in a relationship or what others think of you.
  • Spend time in prayer and reading scripture to strengthen your understanding and appreciation of God's unconditional love for you.
  • Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who affirm your worth as God sees you, not based on your relationship status.

We invite you to join us on Upward if you are a single Christian seeking a meaningful relationship.


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About this Plan

The 10 Commandments of Christian Dating

In Exodus 20, God gives Moses and the Israelites the 10 Commandments — His fundamental laws for living a righteous and holy life, guiding their relationship with Him and with one another. Similarly, there are guidelines for Christian dating that can make your experience better, more enjoyable, and more fruitful. In this 5-day devotional, we’re sharing the 10 Commandments of Christian Dating.
