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Living a Transformed LifeSample

Living a Transformed Life

DAY 1 OF 5

Hagar — From Runaway Slave to Mother of Many

Hagar, the maidservant of Sarai, was misused and treated harshly by Sarai, so Hagar ran away from her. The Lord Himself went looking for Hagar and found her. He promised her she would give birth to a son and that He would multiply her descendants exceedingly. The encounter she experienced with the Lord transformed her life.

Before we look at the example of Hagar, let’s talk for a moment about transformation. In Second Corinthians 3:18, the apostle Paul said, “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

The “mirror” referred to here is the Word of God. When we “behold” truth in God’s Word and fill our minds and hearts with it, we are looking at the image of Jesus, and as we look at His image, we become like what we see. This amazing transformation also occurs when we spend time with Jesus — praying and sitting still in His presence. Investing time focusing on Christ is so powerful. You can’t be with God and walk away the same — transformation is bound to take place!

When most people think about God's transforming power, they don’t usually think of Hagar, but she, too, is an example of what happens when one receives and believes God’s Word. The Bible tells us that Sarai was unable to conceive a child. After struggling to conceive for decades, Sarai did what was customary practice among many barren women; she gave her servant girl, Hagar, to her husband in hopes that the servant would conceive a child. If she did, by law, that child could be claimed by Sarai as her own.

When Hagar became pregnant, she began to have an attitude toward Sarai. Having successfully conceived a child, Hagar saw herself as better than Sarai. Indeed, this was a terribly unbearable situation.

Amid this terrible situation, Sarai became so angry and vengeful toward Hagar that she began to treat her harshly — so harshly that Hagar ran away from Sarai. After fleeing, Hagar took a moment to catch her breath and be refreshed by a spring in the wilderness. Question after question, no doubt, raced through her mind, and as concern swirled within Hagar, suddenly, “...The Angel of the Lord found her…” (see Genesis 16:7).

When Hagar was treated harshly by Sarai and ran away, God looked for her and found her. Likewise, God comes looking for you when you’ve been hurt and rejected! He’s your answer and is the one who brings healing, strength, and restoration. And He provides the direction you need right when you need it. You might not be looking for God, but He is looking for you.

What happened when the Angel of the Lord found Hagar? The Bible tells us that He told Hagar to return to Sarai. Can you imagine? Hagar had run for her very life to escape Sarai’s treatment of her, and now God was directing her to go back! However, God’s direction came with a powerful promise: the blessing of obeying God and returning to Sarai was that Hagar would have the baby she was carrying and countless other descendants.

You can’t be touched by God and remain the same. When the comforting and affirming power of God touches your life, you are transformed. None of us can do enough or be good enough to receive His life-changing touch, and Hagar’s life verifies that truth. After her encounter with God, she received and obeyed His word, returning to Sarai with confidence because she knew she would deliver a son and countless other descendants would follow. The presence of the Lord transformed her life, and that same transforming power is still at work today! It’s the very resurrection power of God that’s working inside you right now!


1. One of the greatest ways we are transformed is by spending time reading, studying, and meditating on God’s Word. What are some of the scriptures the Holy Spirit has really made alive to you in your walk with Him? Take a few moments to write them down and share how they have transformed your life.

2. Just as Hagar’s affliction was heard by God, your affliction reaches His ears, too. When your heart is breaking, He is aware of it. What do Psalm 34:17-20 and Psalm 145:18 and 19 say about God’s attentiveness to your prayers?

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About this Plan

Living a Transformed Life

When God’s presence and power touch someone’s life, they are never the same! As believers, being transformed into the image of Jesus is a process that occurs over time as we cooperate with the Holy Spirit. Throughout history, countless people have experienced transformation. In this fascinating plan, Denise Renner examines the lives of Hagar, Elijah, Jacob, Gideon, and Nebuchadnezzar — revealing how God transformed them through encounters with Him.
