Beyond BeliefVzorec

Do you remember where you were before you believed the gospel? I do. I may not remember everything, but I remember the loneliness, emptiness, and discontentment I felt daily. Something was missing in my life and nothing would satisfy.
I recall when a friend shared her love for God with me and showed me several Bible verses. Nothing confounded me more than the Scriptures that pointed to the existence, purpose, and preeminence of Jesus. Why was there such a fuss over a man who lived and died thousands of years ago? Although I knew that I was a sinner, I did not understand how Jesus could be my Savior. Even the word "Savior" repelled me because I didn't think I needed saving! Salvation from what?
The gospel was an integral part of the Sunday morning liturgy every week, yet these words sounded like a long-lost legend and were irrelevant to me. Sunday after Sunday, year after year, I heard that Jesus was the Lamb of God and that He had come, lived, died, and risen again. The message fell on deaf ears. There was a good reason for this. I didn't just have deaf ears; I had a dead heart. But one day, God, in His mercy, sent His Spirit to open my eyes, revive me, and make me whole. The LORD alone is the one who sets the prisoner free; He is the one who opens the eyes of the blind. He lifts up those who are bowed down (Ps. 146:8).
Do you believe that you were dead in your trespasses and sins? Has God shown you His mercy, opened your blind eyes, and revived your dead heart?
Gratitude for God's mercy and grace towards us in Christ is foundational. Believing that God loved you and sacrificed His one and only Son so we would not perish but have eternal life is profoundly personal. Our lives beyond belief should look radically different than before because our hearts are filled with God, the Holy Spirit!
When, by God's grace, we realize all God has given us, we want to give our lives to Him. True faith results in absolute surrender and deep devotion. We want to embark upon a new way of living.
Does this describe you and your life? What do you want to change?
Take a moment to ponder these truths. Take them to heart. Choose one Scripture to meditate upon today.
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About this Plan

Beyond Belief. Where do we place our hope? Is it in Christ alone? This plan is designed to probe our hearts. Do we truly believe what we say we believe? May it help us all grow in grace and truth in 2024.