Learning Daniel's Prayer SecretsVzorec

Praying for Your Nation
The Biblical way of approaching God in prayer, as portrayed by Daniel, led him to see answers and changes regarding his nation and is worthwhile to study. His 'way of praying' even kept him from being eaten alive by lions! So how did Daniel pray?
1. He positioned himself. He set aside time for dedicated prayer turning away from everything else, and set his face toward the Lord. No distractions. For us, it means refraining from constantly checking messages on our mobile devices, or going to the kitchen to prepare a sandwich. Daniel set his heart to pray for as long as it would take for God to answer.
2. He often fasted. He decided to fast often so he did not have to waste time preparing a meal when he got home from the king's court. He could quickly get himself ready to pray.
3. He showed his inward surrender outwardly. Daniel dressed in sackcloth – a traditional way of showing God that he is not coming to the place of prayer in arrogance, but in humility and surrender.
4. Prayer and supplications. He made requests by prayer and supplications (Acts 16:25, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16). Daniel did not offer a few thoughts from his mind as quick prayers and then went to sleep. He prayed with intent, informed and filled with understanding from the Word. He prayed very direct prayers, offered several individual supplications and prayed the desires of God's heart for the nation of Israel 'back to Him'.
5. Confessions. Daniel admitted to the wrongs of Israel without making excuses. How often in prayer meetings, when it comes to confessing our sins - after just a few sentences – we return to spiritual warfare prayers. Never fall into the trap of speaking to the devil more than confessing before God, the very things that give the devil power over us! When you are in prayer, speak to God like Daniel.
6. He appealed to God's character. Daniel spent time reminding God of who He is, His mercy and His loving-kindness over the generations. He reminded God of His promises to Moses, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Do we remember and keep before the Lord the promises He has given us over our churches, cities, nation?
Consider a personal study of Daniel 9.
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About this Plan

Do you sometimes want to pray more impactful prayers? Perhaps like Bible characters who saw real breakthroughs and miracles in their lives? This 7-day plan looks at Daniel and his distinguished character, lifestyle and prayer life at the court of Babylon. God entrusted Daniel with many heavenly revelations of the end times! If you desire to live and pray like Daniel, this plan is for you!
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