Getting Yourself Ready For Marriage 2Vzorec

Getting Yourself Ready For Marriage 2

DAY 3 OF 6



Devotional Content:

Dating and getting married is a process and it takes time. Couples need to spend time together getting to know each other.

Distance can complicate this for many couples, but having a healthy long distance relationship is possible with the right use of time and resources.

There are things you can do to effectively connect with each other often and bridge that distance gap. Here are a few simple and creative things you can do to connect with each other:


  • Call and text each other often
  • Keep up with each other via social media
  • Communicate through video tools online and with your smart phone
  • Text each other pictures of yourself and what you are doing throughout the day to include them in your day
  • Mail small but meaningful gifts to each other
  • Journal thoughts and things you want to share with your significant other when you speak with them
  • Mail each other old-fashioned handwritten letters


Nothing really takes the place of being together in the same place, so plan to get together as often as possible.

It is important for a couple to live in the same city before taking the marriage step. If your relationship is moving closer to marriage, I strongly urge you to move closer together and try a more normal dating relationship before entering into marriage.

All relationships take work, and long-distance relationships are no different.

Today’s Challenge:

Dr. Kim shares that distance complicates growing the relationship but that if you use the right tools, you can have a healthy long-distance relationship. Whether or not you are in a long-distance relationship, what are five things you can do to communicate better with your significant other?

Going Deeper:

All relationships take work. What can you do this week to show your significant other you are willing to work at your relationship?

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About this Plan

Getting Yourself Ready For Marriage 2

Getting married is one of the biggest decisions of your life. This plan is a continuation of the plan “Getting Yourself Ready For Marriage - Part 1.” This plan includes six short videos of Dr. Kim’s teaching. Each video is coupled with Bible References, a Challenge, and a Next Step. Take this plan and be on your way to getting ready for an Awesome Marriage!
