The Renewing of the MindVzorec

The Renewing of the Mind

DAY 6 OF 6

Romans 12:2 Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. (TPT)

Scientific studies have shown that our thinking patterns actually carve out pathways, or highways, in our physical brain. These are called Neural Pathways and are formed when our nerve fibers deploy information between different parts of the Central Nervous System. The old saying goes, “Neurons that fire together wire together.”

As we think about new revelations from the bible, and as we process new information we are literally digging new roadways that our thoughts travel down. This causes neurons to fire with new neurons, causing a rewiring of our brain and mind.

Ever feel like your thoughts are on a loop, and the same patterns keep playing out?

Well, that is exactly what’s happening. The good news is that you can stop traveling down that pathway, and you can create a new pathway and pattern for your thoughts to travel down.

When the Apostle Paul is talking about “a total reformation of how you think” he is saying that you can create new pathways for your thoughts to travel down. These new pathways will be filled with truth, hope, faith, and love. You can change the way you think, God doesn’t want you stuck in that loop forever.

Here are some of the best ways to dig new roads for you thoughts to travel down:

  • Be aware of the content you’re filling your mind with because it is fueling your thinking patterns. Fill your mind with the bible, worship, new books on topics you need to grow in, and sermons or podcasts that promote the renewed mind
  • Writing is proven to expedite the process of digging new neural pathways. Write daily about hope, faith, and love. Write daily about the ways Jesus wants you to be thinking, speaking, acting
  • Reading is like taking your mind to the gym. If we don’t work our bodies out regularly, we get sluggish and susceptible to health issues. Our mind is similar in the sense that if we don’t challenge ourselves to read, learn about new topics, and exercise our thinking we get sluggish in our thinking and can be susceptible to lies and blurry spiritual vision


Lord, I ask that you fuel my thinking and actions to help me create new faith-filled neural pathways.

For more content and guidance connect with the author 👉🏻 Recovering Reality here

Sveto pismo

Dan 5

About this Plan

The Renewing of the Mind

How does a person renew their mind and experience a personal transformation with Jesus? In this 6-day plan, we'll look at precisely what the Bible says about the Renewing of the Mind—partnered with tips and steps on how to step into the personal transformation you've been desiring with your Lord and Savior, King Jesus. The plan is simple, and your transformation with Jesus starts today. Enjoy!


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