God's Redemption Story (Exodus - Joshua)Vzorec

When the time came for the Israelites to take the land that God had promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God told Moses to send a few men ahead to check it out. The idea was that these men would tell everyone how great the land was, and they would be excited to go and conquer. Joshua and Caleb did just that, but ten others only saw giants. God already told them he would give them the land, but those men couldn’t see it. They talked everyone else out of it.
Are you facing giants today? If God is moving you in a direction that looks hard or too big to tackle on your own, don’t listen to the nay-sayers around you. Ask God to remind you of his promises and follow his instructions.
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About this Plan

From Genesis to Revelation, “God’s Redemption Story” outlines the narrative of God’s plan for the reconciliation of humanity. This 12-part reading plan summarizes the story of the Bible. Exodus through Joshua continues the story of God’s chosen people on a journey to know their God and discover his plan for their lives.
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