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21 Days in the Book of JohnSample

21 Days in the Book of John

DAY 19 OF 21

Jesus is crucified and the world is forever changed.

Here are a few things I’d like to point out about Chapter 19:

  1. The Romans scourged Jesus. This was done by stripping him of his clothing and taking a tool with a short handle and leather thongs with sharp stone or glass attached to the end and lashing Him with it 40 times. His flesh would have been a mass of torn, bleeding tissue. They also crowned Him with thorns, threw a robe on His back, mocked Him by calling Him names, and slapped Him with their open hands. None of this was enough – they wanted Him killed. Pilate tried to convince the people to release Him, but they threatened blackmail, and he gave in and ordered the crucifixion of Jesus. There was no sentencing, and He was never pronounced guilty.
  2. In crucifixion, Jesus would have been nailed to the cross in a way that suspended the body resulting in a slow suffocation. Often prisoners were tied to the cross so the soldiers could get the nails into their hands and feet without them moving too much. Some died of loss of blood or exposure first. Some lived for as long as 9 days. To quicken the proceedings, the soldiers would break the legs of the prisoners so they could no longer hold their bodies up enabling them to breathe. They would take a wooden mallet and splinter the kneecaps and ankles. The height of the cross would have only been 3-4 feet and Jesus’ feet were probably only 2 feet off the ground. When Jesus said, “It is finished” He meant the physical suffering was over, the law was fulfilled, the sins of the world were atoned for, and the plan of salvation was complete.
  3. This happened the day before a Special Sabbath, so they needed to get the body buried as quickly as possible. Joseph from Arimathea, a rich, honorable, just man whom John called a secret disciple, offered his tomb. Nicodemus provided spices to anoint the body. This was done by washing the body and then wrapping it like a mummy, pouring spices between the layers of cloth. Then a napkin (like a pillowcase) was pulled over His head. Scripture tells us Jesus was buried by loving hands, wound in linen cloths, immediately after crucifixion, and observed by women. Thankfully, He wouldn't stay that way for long!


Dan 18Dan 20

About this Plan

21 Days in the Book of John

John sets the foundation for understanding the Trinity and shows how Jesus is God. The purpose of John’s message was made abundantly clear when he wrote, “These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” Join me as we read one chapter a day and learn about the deity of Jesus Christ!
