Reset Your Life: Wisdom From the Book of RuthVzorec

Reset Your Life: Wisdom From the Book of Ruth

DAY 5 OF 7

A Legal Drama

Have you ever wanted to read a biblical legal drama? Then today’s your lucky day. Let’s get started.

Yesterday, we saw how Naomi initiated a questionable yet successful plan to set up Ruth and Boaz. Now, good news: Boaz wants to marry Ruth! But there’s a problem. It looks like it’s more complicated than just setting a date and sending out invites.

Remember, this was a different time and place, and their perspectives on marriage were very different.

In those days, marriage was a covenant (a biblical word for a contract) between a man and his bride-to-be’s father. If both men signed off, then the marriage would happen. As a term of the contract, if the husband died, it was the right of the husband’s closest male relative to marry the widow. Women had little to no say in their fates but had to go along with what the men in their lives chose for them.

Ruth’s husband had died in Moab, and Boaz was his second closest living relative. The closest relative isn’t named in this story, but he’s the only obstacle left to overcome.

Often, when we try to change in life, we can hit unexpected obstacles. A relapse into an old habit, a financial setback, or a return to an unhealthy relationship. It can be demoralizing to face a setback, especially after making so much progress. But, like Ruth and Boaz, we can’t give up.

Overcoming Setbacks

Setbacks happen in life, and we can’t always plan for them. But we can always be ready to respond to setbacks with grace for ourselves and determination to keep moving forward.

Remember, God doesn’t give you ill-fitting labels, and He’s not waiting to judge you when you fall short. Instead, He’s always ready to help you get back on your feet and move forward.

Today, we’ll see how Boaz navigates this setback using the other man’s bias against Moabites to his advantage.

So, what are some setbacks you’ve faced in pursuing a fresh start? Maybe you skipped a day of prayer and feel some guilt. Or you made a promise you didn’t keep. You can’t change the past, but you can choose to keep moving forward. And, with God’s help, you can start fresh today.

Pray: Dear God, help me to pursue You every day. Thank You that You don’t give up on me when I fall short, and that You always want what’s best for me. Please help me to overcome setbacks by finding my strength in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Reset Your Life: Wisdom From the Book of Ruth

Do you ever wish you could have a do-over? Are you looking for an opportunity to start fresh and create a new trajectory for your life? If so, then the Book of Ruth is a story for you. Over the next 7 days, we’ll explore this incredibly honest and inspiring story of two women who overcame incredible tragedy and changed the story of God’s people forever.
